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                                                                               Arcadian Live

A dark silence fills the stadium as millions of people watch Wolf end his call before eventually approaching the archthron.

‘That…’ Mikaela thinks to himself with a sad frown on his face, ‘he didn’t even bother trying to find a private place for that conversation.’

Several seconds pass as Wolf rushes towards the archthron to take advantage of its meal. Meanwhile, the silence within the stadium extends even further.

‘I should try to direct their attention away from that call,’ Mikaela thinks before announcing, “It looks like The Winter Wolf is going to try climbing onto the archthron’s back!”

Conversations begin to break out amongst the audience again at the host’s distraction. Meanwhile, some of the other commentators begin focusing on their own screens again as a few other Competitors finally begin to reach the fifth theme.

“These archthrons are a rather unique creature,” Mikaela begins explaining, “at least, in regard to the System made ones.”

He then turns around with one hand waving at the forerunner screen as he continues, “The System made archthrons have special System ores on their back; ones that can actually be sold on the Player Auctions. These ores are worth a large amount, reaching nearly 200 SP for every harvest, with each archthron having about two dozen harvests throughout its back!”

“That’s nearly five thousand System Points per archthron!” “What the hell?!” “That’s so much for a single monster!” “They can be sold on the Player Auction?!”

Before the audience can get any more riled up, Mikaela raises his hand and adds, “Now, now. It’s not very likely that someone would be able to gather all of the ore on its back. After all, it’s a giant monster spanning about one hundred meters in length.”

“Also,” Niklai suddenly interjects, “what’s the chance that someone would have a pickaxe, or something else that could gather the ore while in a dungeon?”

Mikaela turns to look at him while nodding his head in agreement, “True. Unless they are in an Administrator Dungeon that has system stores within it. Or they know about the monster’s presence before entering the dungeon.”

Niklai glances at the forerunner screen once more before focusing on his own screen again. Meanwhile, Mikaela turns back to watch as Wolf begins to climb up the archthron’s hind leg.

“Now it’s just the question of whether The Winter Wolf has something that can harvest the ore or not,” Mikaela says with a smile, happy to have distracted the audience from Wolf’s System Call.


                                                                          Executive Stream
                                                                    Right after Wolf’s call

“Damn that fucking man!” Diane shouts while turning around and punching the wall next to her, causing the entire room to shake, only for it to return to normal again a few seconds later. “I’m going to rip his heart out and stuff it down his throat!”

Leo grimaces as he watches Wolf slowly begin to approach the archthron, but he doesn’t say anything, leaving Diane to punch the wall again and again in her anger. At the same time, her eyes begin to glow a radiant golden color before her form begins to become covered in shadows as she changes to her hunter form in her anger.

Before Diane can fully change forms, the door to the executive room opens, and a man shortly enters the room. The man has blue skin, gills on the sides of his neck, webbed hands and feet, and a large fin going down the center of his back.

Arianais’s eyes quickly focus on Diane before squinting.

“Regain control now or I’m leaving,” he says as the large fin on his back quivers slightly in irritation.

Diane quickly turns towards him, the shadows resembling her transformation fading as she returns completely to her neutral form. At the same time, Leo tilts his head slightly to look at him before focusing on Wolf’s screen again.

“What are you doing here, Arianais?” Diane asks, crossing her arms after taking a few seconds to calm herself down.

“You’re not the only one who has a vested interest in the ice reaper,” Arianais says with a frown, his serpent-like, blue eyes staring unblinkingly at the werewolf empress. “And I thought that this might be how you would react to the situation.”

Diane’s eyes furrow slightly in confusion before she asks, “Why would you care about how I’d react?”

The chairman of the Arcadian Magic Association continues staring at her as he answers, “I care because you will be an asset for the kid.”

Diane’s eyes widen slightly in surprise before she simply shakes her head. She then turns around and begins to approach Wolf’s screen while messing with her menus.

“If that’s why you came here, then I’m assuming you’re planning on doing something yourself?” she says, focusing on the menus in front of her.

Arianais steps forwards, opening his own menus as he says, “Yes. I am.”

Several seconds pass with the only noise within the room being that of the chewing sounds coming from the archthron on Wolf’s screen.

“Is that all you’re gonna say?” Diane asks, glancing away from her menus for a second to look at the water harbinger.

The man doesn’t say anything and instead just opens a System Call screen in front of them both.

As soon as the call connects, the face of a man with an avian shaped head, similar to that of an eagle, along with large bird-like wings appears on the screen. The man has golden feathers sticking out of the back of his head and several other places on his generally humanoid body, with electrical sparks occasionally flying between them, along with more sparks leaking from his eyes.

“What do you want?” the man asks, his golden eyes squinting slightly as he ignores the explosions echoing out from around him.

“Ansigar?” Diane mutters in surprise as she sees the electric harbinger on the other end of the call.

“You were wanting to find a new challenge recently, right?” Arianais asks while crossing his arms, “I think I may have found something you might be interested in doing.”

Ansigar’s eyes widen slightly before he begins to smile a hawkish smile and says, “If that’s the case, then tell me what it is.”

The water harbinger smiles for the first time since he entered the room. “I heard that the strongest Moderator under Wilhelm’s command is stationed at The Abyss’s base on the new galaxy’s main planet, Aegis.”

A small grin stretches across Leo’s face as he continues watching Wolf’s screen. Meanwhile, Diane breaks out into laughter as an excited glint flashes across the electric harbinger’s eyes.

“If that’s the case, then I thank you for this information,” the man says, his right arm suddenly shooting out to the side to stab straight into the body of an enormous scarab before sending electric jolts through its body and killing it in an instant. “I will be sure to go pay Aegis a visit soon.”

He then turns to look at Diane and nods before closing out of the call without even sparing Leo a glance.

After Diane calms down a bit, she continues messing with her menus and pulls up her own screen, revealing her court healer that has been working on Wolf’s therapy on the other end.

The man bows slightly before asking, “What can I do for you, your Majesty?”

Diane’s face turns slightly cold as she answers, “The abyssal demons have crossed a line, and I want to send them a message.”

The old man doesn’t look surprised in the slightest by her declaration, as if he had been expecting it as he waits for her to continue speaking.

“Send Reinhardt and his group to attack The Abyss’s mining planet located closest to their galaxy’s borders,” Diane continues, a grin stretching across her face. “And make sure they destroy everything before coming back.”

The healer bows slightly again and says, “As you wish, your Majesty.” He then closes out of the call, causing the screen in front of Diane to go black.

‘Wilhelm is going to regret the day he chose to go against Wolf and my empire,’ she thinks to herself, turning her attention away from the now-blacked-out screen to look at Wolf’s screen. ‘I don’t care if the boy has the blood of The Reaper in him. He will be my heir some day.’


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