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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 27

It only takes me one day of battling to realize something rather important.

Why should I bother with putting my spell-crafting off until later? After all, it’s a lot more important than this fighting. And so long as I am fighting, I fulfil my requirement.

No one ever said I had to fight with all I had.

So at some point I start to waltz around some battlefields here and there while muttering to myself and typing away at my terminal, programming new spells and altering old ones. Only occasionally pulling out my gun and shooting someone in the face or cutting someone’s head off.

Or just going the simple route of ripping someone’s throat out with my claws. Since it takes the least amount of time to do.

Of course, I pay enough attention when I attack so that I don’t attack an ally. Because that would be annoying.

I don’t want the nobles to fuss at me after all.

As for the soldiers themselves? It depends on the battlefield.

I do care about the soldiers in some of the battlefields, but I’m just wandering around without paying much attention until I arrive at new battlefields and territories. At which point I quickly check to see whose territory it is.

Although I make sure to steer clear from a couple territories in particular.

And just like this, a couple weeks pass rather peacefully. Or, as peacefully as a war can get. Which probably isn’t very peaceful.

During this time, word about an immortal vampire seems to be making the rounds, and I eventually have to start being more careful about paying attention on battlefields. Because some higher Class magicians are starting to show up just to catch me.

Not that it does them much good in the end as I always either escape or kill them.

Eventually though, as I’m passing through the gap between two battlefields in different territories, I find myself receiving a call on my terminal. One from Claire.

“Your Majesty, I have a report,” Claire states immediately upon my accepting the call.

I continue jogging across the forest I’m passing through as I state, “Continue.”

“As you may have heard, one of our neighboring territories was overrun and the baron reigning over the territory slain by the Arcadian Society,” Claire states, surprising me with information I had not actually heard about. But she doesn’t need to know that. “Thanks to that, we have an influx of refugees rushing to gain entry into your territory. Therefore your presence is requested three days from now at a gathering of the newly hired officers and soldiers.”

“Very well,” I tell her without pausing in my jog.

I haven’t left the battlefield at all this month, so I can leave once a month without breaking the contract. And I can’t break the contract this early on otherwise the others will be aware that they don’t have anything tying me to this war. To them.

That should wait until I’m at least a Class B magician.

After that, Claire goes on to mention several other topics. But none of them are important enough for me to see to them personally. Just some things I should probably know. So I write them down in my terminal and end the call once she’s finished.

Then I pick up the pace while heading towards the next location. A territory owned by some viscount who isn’t really important amongst the nobles. Someone who kind of just blends into the background.

What is important is the fact that this viscount is willing to work with others. He’s also the target of one of the Arcadian Society’s armies.

Once I get out of the forest though, I find myself faced with a rather large surprise. One that I wasn’t expecting.

Incendia flies down and lands on my shoulder as we both stare up in awe at the skies above the battlefield. Where four Class S magicians are currently battling it out.

All on different sides.

The Chairman of the Arcadian Society, Artorius Hunter. User of anti-magic and the instigator of this war.

The newly advanced general of the Entarian military, Leopold Houk. A dark magic magician and, from what I’ve heard, a rather arrogant man in general.

The queen of the White Kingdom, Emma Sonnen. A wind affinity magician and very intense military fanatic.

And, of course, the skeleton. Adalwolf Giese.

The Class S death magician who forcefully adopted me as his son and made me a prince.

All four of them are fighting high above the battlefield, but while there technically is a war going on beneath them as well, most of it seems to just be the soldiers fleeing from the Class S magicians stray attacks. Which are all leaving rather large scars on the land.

Can’t help but wonder how pissed off the viscount must be at this, since they weren’t here according to the last update I got. Meaning they must have gotten here within the last few hours or so.

I watch the Class S magicians fight both with awe and some minor hints of fear. Although not much. Simply because my sense of fear has kind of faded over the years.

Plus the scariest one amongst them is the skeleton, and he won’t hurt me.

If he was planning on experimenting on me he would’ve done so already instead of teaching me magic.

It’s a shame that there aren’t any fire magicians amongst them, but I should at least be able to learn quite a bit about death magic from watching this. So I go to a nearby tree before cutting it down with my blade and sitting on the stump it leaves behind.

Then I turn my terminal off of sleep mode again and get to work taking notes.

Because it’s not every day that I get to watch Class S magicians fight. Especially when one of them uses one of my affinities.


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