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Alexander North

I feel myself smiling as I head straight back down into the hive to deal with the annoying hive queen inside of it. Because I’ve finally seen Dad again. And he’s okay.

Right before I enter the hive though, I notice a bunch of the soldiers move towards Cynthia’s building. No doubt to protect her.

And hopefully Alexia as well.

Actually, I go ahead and send a message to Dad after entering the hive about Alexia. Telling him that there’s another frost infused like me that should be with Cynthia and shouldn’t be harmed.

He just sends a short affirmative back to me, making my smile grow ever so slightly wider.

Until my smile fades when I reach the bottom of the hive to find the hive queen furiously digging away at the wall with little to no success. Since its body just isn’t built for digging.

When I reach the creature, it turns its head up towards me and lets out an angry and frightened screech. But I ignore it as I fly up here and begin sending one Cold Energy Arc after another down at the thing, bombarding it without the creature having any sort of way to return fire anymore. Since it can’t fly, and at this point doesn’t seem to be able to use any more ranged powers.

Of course, my attacks aren’t doing all that much damage individually, but every time they hit a weak spot they make it even weaker. And with the number of my attacks, the hive queen slowly succumbs to its death.

Leaving me flying down to go grab its energy.

That was rather easy.

Then, as if I jinxed it with that thought, the ice making up the walls of the hive suddenly begins to shift on its own.

I stiffen up before flying straight upwards to avoid half a dozen large spikes that try to spear into me from the walls.

What the hell?

“Territory has now expanded to envelop this area,” I hear a completely monotone and very androgynous voice echo throughout the area whose gender I can’t quite determine. “Orders are absolute. Hybrid is to be captured when within the territory of a Frozen Lord.”

I blink at that.

Wait, did it just say that it expanded its territory just to make this part of its territory?

Isn’t that kind of cheating?

The ice in the walls begins to shift more until it separates from the walls themselves and moves towards the center of the hive. At which point it forms an amorphous ball of ice.

Then I begin to feel that same presence from earlier. The one I felt when I was about to kill the first hive queen and it escaped instead.

Guess this one is the Frozen Lord responsible for the hive queens then.

I fly in place waiting for the orb of ice to form some sort of humanoid or even beastlike form, but it just, uh, stays as an amorphous orb of ice. Even as its voice continues to echo out through the hive, “Prepare yourself hybrid. For the battle of our world shall begin.”

That has me frowning at him before pointing upwards where Dad is fighting the Vanguard as I state, “I think it already began earlier when they started fighting.”

Silence follows.

I find myself awkwardly pursing my lips in the silence, wondering if the reality of my statement was that big of a shock or something. Only to rush straight upwards when spikes of ice shoot out of the wall at me and the orb of ice separates to enter the wall.

Wait a fucking second, how do I fight a floating orb of ice that can separate its body?! Does it even have a body?!

Said orb of ice doesn’t give me a chance to figure that out as it sends spikes of ice from the walls over and over again, making me constantly dodge them nonstop.

While I’m dodging the ice spikes, I glance upwards at Dad’s fight to see it growing more and more intense. Meanwhile soldiers begin to fall down into the hive around me. But I just shoo them away when they begin to get close, making them turn back around and leave.

Then I turn towards the ice coating the wall.

This thing is the Frozen Lord that’s been bothering me for a little while now with these hives. I want to deal with the pest myself.

And more importantly, I want its energy.

Because yeah.

I also have an idea on how to deal with it.

So after avoiding a dozen more spikes, I go ahead and get close to one of the walls coated with its ice before using Solar Flare. And instantly making a strange screeching noise echo off of the walls as a strange, blue steam lifts from the wall where my Solar Flare hit.

Then the spikes stop for a brief while.

Thought so.

It’s drastically weak to heat energy.

Which makes perfect sense when I consider how it’s a literal orb of ice without a real body.

Just need to melt the ice.

It’s kind of ironic. Because I’m pretty sure if this Frozen Lord had attacked me before I evolved and got heat energy abilities, I would’ve been left without any sort of way to hurt it.

Just to test that theory, I go ahead and fly straight at part of the wall covered by its ice. Then I slam my fist into the wall, only for the slightly pale ice there – something I only just now notice – to harden and completely ignore my fist when it collides with the wall.

Not taking any damage.

Right. I would’ve been left defenseless.

But now?

I use Solar Flare while the thing is trying to freeze my fist to itself, making another screeching sound echo through the hive as the pale ice begins to melt into steam and mist.

Not turning into water like a lot of the melted ice other than the pale ice is doing.

I turn towards the center of the hive hole as I see the pale ice beginning to retreat across the walls.

Time to have some fun.


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