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Alexander North

I fly down towards the entrance of the little nest before using Solar Flare to wipe out the annoying insects buzzing their way out of it. And right as I feel the hive queen waking up, I notice the original hive queen that I chased here fleeing from the nest. Still badly injured.

“Hive queens spotted, engaging now,” I speak into my radio before beating my icy wings to fly straight up to the injured hive queen. Then I tear my claws straight through its already damaged flesh. With my claws actually doing real damage now and tearing into its carapace. Proving just how much stronger I’ve gotten since the last round.

A faint grin stretches across my face as the hive queen lets out a pained screech. One that hurries the other one’s awakening up.

But I don’t pay it any mind other than making sure the other one doesn’t surprise me. Instead I focus on beating up this wounded hive queen. Tearing into it with my claws while ignoring all of its cold energy attacks that don’t do much of anything to me anymore with my evolved Cold Immunity mixed with its weakened state.

Once in a while I use Solar Flare to both blind and injure the wounded hive queen, with the other hive queen trying to force itself awake faster than before. No longer breeding more of its bugs in the process.

The creature ends up being too slow, though, letting me get one last hit in on the wounded hive queen as I stab my clawed hand straight through its eyes and wrap my hand around some sort of organ inside of its head.

And crush the thing, making the hive queen let out an ear-piercing screech that has me wincing.

Before the creature goes silent and loses all of the strength in its body. Its cold energy rushing into me now that it’s dead.

The other hive queen finally opens its eyes and lets out a screech of its own in rage.

“And one hive queen is down,” I state into the radio to notify the commanders of the force above.

“Roger that,” the lieutenant colonel states. “We’re beginning our push.”

Now that the first hive queen is dead, I focus on the second one. Which actually looks a bit different from the first.

Although just in the fact that the body parts are slightly different and in different places.

Overall, still just an abomination of different bugs and insects. And spiders. And arachnids. And really anything else of the sort that isn’t considered technically a bug.

An unhappy one at that.

Guess these things have some intelligence at least. Enough to realize that I just killed its buddy.

Well, anyways, I swipe my claws down at it, sending a wave of cold energy arcs. But it just blocks them all with its armored wings. Something the other hive queen didn’t have.

Even if the other hive queen had somehow recovered its wings in the time it took me to get here.

I glance at its corpse.

Not that it helped the thing much.

I fly away when the new hive queen rushes straight at me, proving itself to be a decent chunk slower than the first hive queen. Except that when it slams into the wall of the hive in its charge, it makes a bunch of rubble fall down and dust fill the air. Proving to be a lot stronger than the first one.


The first hive queen was built for speed.

This one?

For strength.

But that’s perfectly fine with me.

My grin grows wider when I sense the bug rushing towards me again. Following which I dodge out of the way and follow after it, slamming my fist into the abdomen part of the creature, sending it flying downwards along with the momentum of its own movement.

To my surprise though, the only damage I cause to it other than it being sent flying was some slight discoloring on its hardened abdomen. Making it a little paler.

Then the bug turns around and rushes at me again, making me dodge it once more. Then I repeat the process, slamming my fist into its abdomen again. Turning the pale spot even paler.


The process repeats twice more before the creature seems to learn not to rush at me wildly and it begins to keep its distance and send ranged attacks at me. Many of which are in the form of webs made of ice that try to wrap around me before it rushes me again.

A strategy that only works once on its third try, sending me slamming into the wall of the hive while coughing out a mouthful of glowing blue and red blood.

I only take a single moment to look at my newly-colored blood before focusing on the pain from what feels like my organs crushing inside.

But I push through the pain as I grab onto the creature’s wings and grunt as I dig my claws into their base. Using Solar Flare in the process to burn some of the hive queen’s carapace while also using Frozen Spike to grow a sharp spike from the palms of my hands that dig into the base of its wings.

And, despite the hive queen’s struggle to get away, I manage to rip out is wings, making it fall down towards the ground with a loud screech of pain.

Then I follow as I look downwards to seem my torso partially caved in.

Fuck that hurts…

It is rapidly regenerating though. At a visible pace.

Which is equally disturbing to see.

I look down at the hive queen when it crashes into the ground, only to find it still alive even if its wings are gone. To the point that it even begins moving over towards where I’m heading.

But I manage to stop myself from falling after I regenerate enough. Simply by flapping my wings a few times now that the pain isn’t so strong and any nerves in my torso that were heading to my wings aren’t damaged anymore.

Then the two of us just stare at each other, the bug stuck on the ground and me flying in the air with a hand over my stomach.

This situation is starting to remind me a little of the other hive queen, what with it lacking wings now.

Right when I’m about to send arcs of energy towards the bug, though, a loud shattering sound echoes from outside the hole, making both me and the hive queen look up.

What now?


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