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Alexander North

I spend a couple hours getting used to the new changes, and I have to admit, I really like this new evolution. All of my abilities are more powerful now than before, and I feel like they’re easier to use. Not to mention that the Solar Flare ability is quite nice too.

The soldiers all seem to love it at least.

Because it clears out the Eternal Winter from an area depending on the level of intensity that I use the ability. How much energy I put into it.

If I barely put any into it at all, then it pretty much just heats up the area and clears out the cold energy in it.

But if I put a good amount of energy into it? It becomes a weapon and begins to burn stuff nearby me.

Other than that, I test my Cold Immunity on some of the nearby frozen ones, but they don’t prove to be helpful since they’re so weak. To the point that their abilities don’t even leave a scratch on me.

Now, whether that’s because I’m Tier 4 now or because of my improved Cold Immunity, I’m not sure.

Either way, I just have one last thing to test. And I can do that during the assault.

So I walk up to the edge of the hive once more before bringing up my radio and speaking into it, “Lieutenant Colonel, I’m ready for the next assault. And I’ve got a few things I’d like to try for this assault.”

It takes a few seconds, but when he answers, he sounds just as serely as ever, “Understood. The assault will begin in five minutes.”

“Roger that,” I answer while putting the radio down and crossing my arms as I look at the pit in front of me. With all of the frozen one bugs currently being relatively far down within it. Far enough that I can barely see them.

I sit here waiting for the soldiers who were resting to get into position. And as I wait, my mind drifts back to the two favors Sol gave me right when she left.

The knowledge that my father should be arriving soon, and that the cold ones are looking for the Cold Immunity ability.

I’m quite happy about the first piece of news, and I’m guessing that’ll mean that communications should be up again soon. But the second bit of news…

They’re looking for the same ability that I have.

What would that mean if they realized I have Cold Immunity? And a pretty powerful version of it at that.

Would they change their plans and try to capture me again?

Not sure, although I doubt it. Strictly because Winter said to leave me be.

And Winter’s word is law for them.

There are still too many unknowns.

On another note, I need to tell Dad about everything Sol told me. Since that’s rather important too.

It’s best to let the higherups of the Empire in general know what’s going on. What the real situation is.

Because none of them seem to know it. That I know of, at least.

Then again, it’s possible Dad could have figured it out. He is Tier 5 after all, and there aren’t any Tier 5 Symbiont Hosts on this planet.

Unless that one in the capital that’s unconscious is Tier 5, that is. Which I’m not sure about.

I very much hope they’re not.

|Communication attempts have been registered from a source approaching the planet.|

Wait, approaching the planet?

Does that mean…

|Affirmative. The likelihood that it is the user’s father is high.|

You said attempts, though, not requests?

|Affirmative. It is hypothesized that the communication equipment is still in the final stages of being repaired.|

Alright. So I’ll be able to talk to and see him soon.

In that case, I should deal with this hive now.

Before he arrives.

The corners of my lips quirk upwards at that. And after waiting the rest of the five minutes, I immediately jump down into the hive upon the commander’s order.

Now then.

Time to test out this new power of mine on a larger force of frozen ones.

This ‘pressure’ thing.

As soon as I get close to the Tier 1 frozen ones, I let out a strange sensation I’ve been holding in for a while now. Which isn’t all that much work, but is something I have to keep the faintest amount of focus on in order to hold it back.

Something I didn’t realize needed to be done when I first awakened until the commander asked me to reign in whatever I was doing.

But now that I let it out, a wave of my own sheer presence washes over the surroundings, putting a bit of pressure on anyone and anything inside of it that I designate as an enemy.

Another bit that I didn’t realize before when I was using it on the army. Since I don’t really consider them allies it pressured them too before.

Now that we’re fighting together, though, I force myself to consider them allies. Even if only temporary.

At least until I learn to control it better.

My pressure immediately makes it harder for the Tier 1 frozen ones to move before they’re shot down by the soldiers behind me. Meanwhile I just keep moving past them, not bothering with the weaklings as they’re mowed down.

I move deeper and deeper, eventually passing the Tier 2s with my pressure stopping them as well.

Albeit not without using Solar Flare a few times while passing them, wiping out some of them in the process with ease.

I keep moving all the way till I reach the Tier 3s and begin wiping them out with ease thanks to my new empowered abilities, and especially thanks to Solar Flare. Which proves to be quite useful in getting rid of large numbers of frozen ones.

And eventually, I make it down to the bottom of the hive. Where I find the same opening I saw in the last hive with frozen ones crawling out of it at a rapid pace.

Time for round two.


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