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Alexander North

The next couple of days pass by with me gradually making progress deeper down into the hive every day. But not only do the communications still not return during this time, but we all find that this hive seems to be deeper than the previous hive.

Whether that’s because of the new hive queen showing up and making them dig deeper, or because of the hive’s age, I’m not sure.

But we all get a rather big shock when all of my statistics reach Tier 4.

One in the form of a powerful wave of energy that suddenly shoots out of me before the Eternal Winter within the air begins to rush towards me. Making me both feel empowered and sleepy.


“Lieutenant colonel, something’s happening to me,” I report right away before disengaging from the frozen ones and flying upwards. Fighting through the drowsiness to do so. “I’m retreating now. And I may fall unconscious the moment I reach the surface.”

“Frozen Consultant? What’s wrong?” the lieutenant colonel replies, sounding concerned. Albeit moreso for his forces than me. “And what’s happening to the Eternal Winter here? Is that your doing?”

“I reached Tier 4 and now… the… winter is…” I try to finish, but I feel my eyes trying to droop close as I fly as fast as I can towards the surface. Eventually breaking past the soldiers to fly straight up into the sky while the Eternal Winter rushes into me.

I feel more and more drowsy the more the Eternal Winter rushes into my body.

Terminal… what’s… happening…

|Analyzing… analysis complete. A rapid evolution is occurring within the user’s body brought on by-|

I miss what the rest of the terminal says as my eyes droop closed and I feel the strength in my wings giving out, leading to me falling down at an angle to crash right outside of the hole.

Then everything goes dark before I find myself in some strange throne room made of ice.

I look around for a few seconds, only to glance down and find that I have no body. Which makes me blink for a moment in surprise.

Only to hear a deep voice echo in my head.

“So this is the strange creature born of cold and warm.”

I raise my head to look at the throne, which was previously empty. But now it has a strange being sitting on it. One with glowing blue eyes that look both like crystals and like a strange liquid at the same time.

The man is wearing pitch black armor, with skin that’s both incredibly pale and has a very slight pale blue tint to it, and long silver hair that also takes on some faint tints of ice to it.

But what frightens me about the man is the cold energy I feel from him.

Energy that feels like the Eternal Winter.

Energy so powerful I feel like I’d die just from being in his presence.

Which is odd since I am in his presence.

“Your body is currently evolving to that of a true Frozen Lord, all that is present is your mind,” the creature declares while tapping his clawed finger on the throne in front of him. “But that won’t stay for long.”

I feel warning bells ringing in my apparently not present head as he raises a hand with a single claw pointing towards me and a powerful amount of cold energy building up at the tip of the claw.

As if he’s about to kill me.

Or erase my mind, at least.

But the moment the cold energy building at the tips of his fingers shoots out towards me, another being appears between me and him. And that being slaps the energy, making it slam into the wall as a wave of heat spreads out from this new being that quickly melts the throne room. Leaving us in a pitch black void.

I blink in surprise before looking around the new being at the first one to find him with a frown on his face, then focusing on the new being again.

The new being is clearly female, and with a much more human appearance to her. She has glowing reddish-gold eyes, with damn-near golden skin, and is wearing a set of white and gold armor. Although she does have six large, angelic wings spread out behind her making her look a lot less human.

And I feel an immense amount of warm energy radiating off of her.

“Then you really are protecting the hybrid, Sol,” the first being says while leaning back in his throne again and resting his cheek on one fist, his elbow on the throne. “Even when it is an unknown and a risk.”

“Risk or no risk, a child should flourish as they please,” the being apparently known as Sol declares, her voice sounding soothing to the ear.

The first being laughs at that. A mocking one.

Then he says, “As hypocritical as ever, Sol. If you’re so worried about children, then you wouldn’t have given these warm blooded creatures your blessing.”


Wait… are these two…

“Who I bless is of no concern for you, Cocytus,” Sol says, making my eyes widen as I recognize the name of the Winter God. “Don’t tell me you haven’t realized yet.”

I blink before frowning in confusion as Cocytus turns to look at me around Sol. Only for sol to look at me as well.

And after a few seconds, Cocytus focuses on her again and says, “Possibilities may be naught but possibilities.”

“Agreed,” Sol declares, “but possibilities will be naught but possibilities if not given the chance to flourish.”

I look between the two, confused more than a little by what is going on.

Then Cocytus sighs and begins to fade away, leaving his voice faintly echoing behind him, “Then so be it. Let us meet again on the battlefield soon, Sol.”

“I will be waiting, Cocytus,” Sol responds. Then she turns to look at me as silence fills the void around us. Only breaking it a few seconds later when she says, “Now, child. You shall hear the tale.”


Jake Rands



This is getting goood !!!