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At the Edge of the Base Camp

Lieutenant Colonel Richard Rorris silently watches as the frost infused Frozen Consultant walks through the base camp towards the building he and his family are staying in. But no matter how long he watches him, he can’t get a very clear read on the man.

And more importantly, he knows very well that he wouldn’t stand a chance fighting against him.

It’s bothered him since the moment he heard of the man.

The rate at which the frost infused grows.

It’s just too rapid.

Just months ago the man was at the level of a Tier 3 Symbiont Host, yet now he is as strong as a Tier 4 Symbiont Host. And several months before that he was only at the level of a Tier 2 Symbiont Host.

And before that?

He was just a regular human.

His rate of growth is simply terrifying. To the point that no human on the planet can stand up to him anymore.

The lieutenant colonel dislikes uncontrollable factors.

He very much dislikes them.

And no one on the planet can control this factor.

After the frost infused enters the building with his family, the lieutenant colonel turns his gaze towards the hive.

Even if he doesn’t like the Frozen Consultant, he at least understands that they need him. He understands this very well.

If it weren’t for him, they’d all have been killed by the Frozen Lord from the rescue operation. And they wouldn’t have any chance at ever defeating the Frozen Lords either. Not unless transportation across planets is restored and Tier 4 and 5 Symbiont Hosts arrive.

And the only reason a Tier 4 or 5 Symbiont Host would even come to a backwater tourist attraction world like this one before other worlds is because of that very Frozen Consultant and his cousin, the princess.

All of it rubs the lieutenant colonel the wrong way. But there’s nothing he can do about it but go along with the frost infused’s whims.

When the lieutenant colonel had mutated himself, he felt like he had gained a great boon to his power. And he really did.

That feeling, however, faded when he realized the difference between a mutated one and a frost infused.

Richard walks over towards the edge of the hole leading into the hive.

He knows that he isn’t the only one who feels this way towards the Frozen Consultant.

A lot of people are scared of him. Of his power. And of the fact that he’s no longer human.

From the studies they’ve conducted, the mutated ones are more human than frozen ones. However, the frost infused are nearly half and half, leaning a little bit more on the side of the frozen ones than humans.

Which leads to a difference in treatment between them.

But at the same time, the frost infused are powerful. And they can grow far faster than others as well.

Richard has already had plenty of complaints about the frost infused come up from his subordinates who are simply frightened by the man. Despite the man not having done a single thing to them.

Another reason Richard finds the frost infused dislikable.

Because he’s increasing his workload. Even if it’s not on purpose.

The lieutenant colonel frowns a little as he looks down the hole at the hive.

At the very least, he’s grateful for the Frozen Consultant’s finding of the hives. Not to mention his clearing of other nests. So he would never act rudely towards him in person.

The man is doing his job well, all of the other problems aside.

And this hive is a major problem that needs to be dealt with, and can only be dealt with by the Frozen Consultant.

He’s the only Tier 4 on the planet that isn’t a frozen one after all.

Of course, his dealing with it also means he grows stronger.

A major problem with frozen ones in general.

How they grow stronger from devouring the energy of other frozen ones.

It makes the lieutenant colonel a little jealous since the mutated ones can only absorb a very minimal amount of energy from frozen ones. And it barely makes them grow at all.

Unlike the frost infused.

His frown fades a little as he raises his head, the man sensing another attempt at communication from HQ. One that’s growing ever closer to the mark.

Meaning communications with headquarters will be returning soon.

Which also means the chain of command will be restored as much as it can be.

They’ll also be able to gather intel about how the other worlds are doing, and how much damage has been done across the universe.

The lieutenant colonel just hopes the damage is kept to a minimum.

He lowers his gaze again back down to the hive while focusing his senses on the powerful energy source within it. The source most likely belonging to the hive queen that the Frost Consultant mentioned.

And after a brief moment of hesitation, he decides that it would likely be a good idea to let the Frost Consultant absorb the energy of the frozen ones in the hive to grow stronger.

Since he at the very least knows that he’d rather have the Frost Consultant as a threat rather than the Frozen Lords on the planet. Especially since the Frost Consultant can likely be controlled by his father.

Assuming his father would bother.

Richard grimaces at that thought as he remembers the rumors he’s heard. That the General of the Military loves his son more than anything.

He continues staring down the hive for a bit before sighing and turning around to head back to the base camp himself. Passing by several of the soldiers standing on guard in the process, making them give him a salute as he does so.

Worrying about all of this before the next assault will do nothing but reduce my efficiency in the battle.

So without another thought on the subject, he enters his own building and goes to get some rest.


Jake Rands

TFTC. It is interesting to see the point of view of a 'random' soldier.