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For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

Discord Invite

Table of Contents


And here is the last of the System Forums catchup posts. The next chapter will be another System Forums post, but it will be in the present chapter. The latest chapter of the story. It won't be a chapter I'm writing for earlier on in the story.

Then it'll be back to normal chapters again.

And as with usual, I put this System Forums chapter where it belongs within the other chapter posts.

Click here for System Forums chapter 4! Or click on the following link:




“Hell would probably freeze over first” got me good 🤣 also sense I can say this now that wolf of the blood moon’s last chapter posted I will, tftc!


Damn man you're pumping out chapters