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Alexander North

I quickly run into a problem as I slaughter the Tier 3 frozen ones, however. With that problem being the fact that more keep coming. Which likely implies that the hive queens are at work making them at full speed. Possibly not even making the weaker ones right now.

And I can only assume that they’re both making them right now. Because this speed is just insane.

Unless the hive queen of this hive is just a lot faster at making them than the other hive was.

I frown at that thought before going ahead and reporting the new finding to the lieutenant colonel. Then I go ahead and continue slaughtering the Tier 3s, each of whom are now a decent chunk weaker than me simply because I’m very nearly at Tier 4 myself.

And with every single one I kill, every one that I absorb the energy of, I get that much closer to Tier 4. Rapidly growing my own strength. To the point that the lieutenant colonel was shocked when he saw me again after arriving to help.

After all, I’ve grown by over an entire third of my previous strength just in less than a month since we last saw each other.

It makes sense he’d be surprised.

And I also noticed the other commanders growing more and more wary of me. As if they see me as a possible threat to watch out for.

Also understandable. And while I would take offense to it normally, I find myself not caring in the least.

Makes me wonder if my new biology is affecting my thought process a little.

More than I already knew it was, that is.

But putting that aside for the moment, I continue slaughtering the frozen ones and growing in power along the way. One after another, for hours upon hours. All the way till my energy begins to deplete and I fall back. Calling the commander along the way as I do so.

And after I reach the first couple Tier areas, I find a large portion of the bugs cleared our by now.

The soldiers stationed there dealing with the bugs proceed after me, joining me in my retreat. Until we reach the surface, and they form a ring around the hole.

Then I regroup with the commanders again and give a short report of what happened. Which wasn’t much considering all I did was go down and slaughter Tier 3s until I ran out of energy.

And the only important detail I’d already informed the commander over the radio earlier. The detail about how the hive queens are producing more Tier 3s in this one than the last hive, and how they’re producing faster here as well.

Although something that surprises me is that the Tier 3 bugs didn’t follow me out. They just stayed down there and are no doubt growing in number again.

I frown after leaving the meeting and walking over to the edge of the hole, ignoring the soldiers on either side of me that grow tense merely from being near me. Soldiers who are from other bases and not the doctor’s base.

What I see when I look over the edge though is just the remaining Tier 1 and 2 bugs deeper down in the hole. A number that doesn’t seem to be growing.

Looks like the hive queens really are just focusing on the Tier 3s now.

|It is hypothesized that your energy is the cause.|

Hmm. I close my eyes and sense around my own energy source. Feeling it spread around with my own power.

Then I open them again and cross my arms while still looking down at the hole.

That could definitely be it. Or the hive queens were just put on guard by the Frozen Lord and ordered to do that.

They could also just plain be smarter than I give them credit for.

Since making the small-fry won’t do anything for them at this point. Other than irritate the commanders’ forces.


Open my analysis please.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 27.91
Agility: 26.81
Reflexes: 27.04
Constitution: 26.81
Immunity: ???
Senses: 27.01
Energy: 4.4/50.1

Abilities: Cold Energy Claws, Cold Diffusion, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Arcs, Cold Blood, Cold Energy Absorption, Cold Immunity, Cold Burst, Frost Spike, Frozen Wings

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.

\End of Analysis/

Hmm. At this rate I’ll probably reach the power of a Tier 4 in a few days or so.

Then I won’t have to worry about the hive queens’ power all that much.

Assuming the hive queen of this hive is Tier 4 like the other hive queen was.

I frown at that thought, not particularly liking how many assumptions I’m having to make for all of this. But I don’t have much else to go off of, so…

After staring down the hole for a bit, I finally begin to walk away towards the basecamp. Taking the time spent walking to search for Alexia and Cynthia. Or to be more specific, Alexia. Since she has an energy source while Cynthia only has her heat energy source that’s harder to detect.

And as I do that, I can’t help but remember what I was told before.

About the communications supposedly going back online soon.

Dad… I wonder how he’s doing?

Knowing his power, he should be perfectly fine. I can’t see even the sleeping Frozen Lord on this planet being a match for him.

But I still can’t help but worry a little.

I walk silently through the soldiers for a bit before sighing.

Well, nothing I can do but wait.

I glance towards one particular building of the basecamp when I catch a hint of Alexia’s energy.

For now all I can do is grow stronger and survive.

I walk over towards them before entering the building to find the two lying down on beds, looking rather exhausted.

The smallest hint of a smile stretches across my face.

And to keep these two alive.


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