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Alexander North

The frozen one moves back and forth in the air, moving almost to the point of a blur. Where I can barely keep track of it with my eyes.

I frown at it before glancing upwards at the ravine. Then looking back at the frozen one right when it moves to tackle me again.

This time I stop it with a Cold Burst before it can reach me, knocking it backwards a bit while I retreat myself.

I’m really glad I got Cold Burst now.

I watch the creature for a bit, repeating that same process a couple times before I decide on a plan.

One that has me flying upwards, past the frozen one and towards random outcroppings of stone in the ravine. And every time I get to those outcroppings, I smash them with my fists to send them falling down towards the frozen one.

The frozen one repeatedly dodges them, but the process of dodging them slows it down, and as I continue this, I notice something with its flying.

It doesn’t seem to be able to fly as quickly when it’s going upwards.

Probably because of its own weight, mixed with those rather thin wings.

Even if it has two sets of them.

So I keep up this pattern. Flying upwards, smashing random bits of stone to fall down towards the bug, and not stopping in my wake.

Until I eventually start sending arcs of cold energy down at the frozen one along with the bits of stone. Shaking the creature up even more.

Proving to be a rather effective strategy.

But after doing it for a few minutes, the frozen one suddenly stops chasing me. Making me turn back to look down at it, only to find the creature making some sort of orb of cold energy begin forming in front of its spider-like mouth.

My eyes widen and I immediately try to fly to the side to avoid whatever is coming, following which a beam of pure cold energy shoots straight through where I was just flying. One that follows after me and slams into parts of the ravine wall, freezing everything it comes into contact with in seconds. All the way until the beam itself dissipates just inches away from one of my wings.

I feel my nonexistent heart beating a million miles per hour at the realization of how close I was to being turned into a popsicle. Metaphorically, of course.

Then the creature begins forming another orb in front of its mouth while slowly flying upwards, and I immediately fly upwards again.

Except this time I don’t have the time to send arcs of cold energy down at it. Instead I just smash the ravine wall every once in a while to send rubble down and slow the bug as I focus most of my attention on dodging the beam of cold energy.

Honestly, I’m not sure what the beam will actually do if it hits my wings. Considering that my wings are already ice in the first place.

But I’d rather not find out. Especially when I’m flying so high above the bottom of this ravine.

So I just keep flying, hoping against hope that some of the rubble I’m making damages the frozen one’s wings.

That hope never comes to fruition, though, even by the time I reach the top of the ravine and leave it. Entering the city itself.

After leaving the ravine, I quickly move up towards one of the balconies of a mall nearby before turning to look down at the ravine. The bug itself not having been able to attack me yet due to me leaving its line of sight.

I watch it pass through the opening of the ravine just seconds later, with the creature following straight after me without any sort of confusion for my whereabouts.

Guess it’s tracking me somehow.

Annnddd it starts preparing another beam.


I quickly head inside of the building, with the beam slamming into the side of it right after I leave the bug’s sight. Freezing the walls of said building with ease and even breaking through some in the process to freeze walls inside of the building.

Proving that the beam isn’t just able to freeze things.

But I have the advantage now, beam or no beam.

Because we’re inside of a building.

And this bug will be very limited in its movements now.

I hear the buzzing sound of its wings approaching closer and closer as I sense its presence, but I just head further inside of the building. Where I begin to search for a good place to ambush the creature.

My plan becomes a little bit more convoluted though when the building begins to shake, and I hear walls caving in. Meaning the bug likely isn’t passing through the hallways like a good, civilized little abomination of different bug species.

Probably shouldn’t have expected it to in the first place.


I frown as I run through the halls, a possible plan coming to mind.

If the building becomes unstable due to the bug’s movements, that in and of itself could end up being a rather nice trap.

A faint smirk stretches across my face before I immediately begin rushing to the other side of the building. And without so much as a glance backwards, once I reach another balcony, I jump straight off of the building and begin flying towards another mall.

Except this time I enter the mall from the bottom.

Then I wait for a little bit to see if the bug will follow me.

A wait that doesn’t take very long before I begin to hear its buzzing wings and sense its powerful cold energy.


I move a bit further into the building while waiting for the bug to reach the floor I’m on. And as soon as I feel the building beginning to shake as loud crashing sounds echo from the edge of it, I begin to move around the building in a circle. Making sure not to get too far ahead of the bug.

Let’s see if this little pest can survive a building falling on top of its head.


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