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Alexander North

Over the course of the next couple weeks, I fight against the frozen ones in the hive – which I’ve begun calling it due to the bugs – near endlessly. Leaving the girls to hunt on their own with me only joining them once a week or so. And there are fewer frozen ones in the little hive with each and every trip. Either proving that the one creating them is growing fatigued or something else is going on.

And now, as I return to the ravine at the end of the month, my energy having fully restored itself over not going to the hive in the past couple days, I take a deep breath. Mentally preparing myself for what I’m about to do.

I haven’t gotten any new abilities over the past couple weeks, but I have raised my statistics far higher than they were before.

To the point that just bringing them up makes me smile a little.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 23.93
Agility: 24.42
Reflexes: 24.14
Constitution: 25.44
Immunity: ???
Senses: 24.14
Energy: 44.6/44.6

Abilities: Cold Energy Claws, Cold Diffusion, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Arcs, Cold Blood, Cold Energy Absorption, Cold Immunity, Cold Burst, Frost Spike, Frozen Wings

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.

\End of Analysis/

At this point I’m starting to get close to the level of power that a Tier 4 Symbiont Host has. Which is very impressive considering that it’s been just a month.

That hive is incredibly useful.

I also feel far more confident at this point when it comes to dealing with the leader of the hive.

Although I have my doubts that the leader of the hive is actually intelligent. Considering how it’s just been recreating and sending out the bugs nonstop.

It hasn’t tried to stop me this entire time.

If it were intelligent, it likely would’ve tried something to deal with me instead of just keeping up this act of its.

I take in one more deep breath before letting it out again. Then I glance down at one of my new shirts, Cynthia having finished them over the past couple weeks. Making shirts with holes in the back to fit my wings so that I don’t have to walk around shirtless anymore.

Although I’ve ruined a few of them already.

To the point that Cynthia is talking about making me learn how to sew so she doesn’t have to deal with fixing them every time. Or making new ones.

Which is understandable.

Probably rather annoying for her to deal with.

I look around at the buildings of the shopping district, which are in even worse shape than they were before I first arrived here thanks to the bugs swarming. Then I focus on the ravine again and jump down into it. Flapping my ice wings to fly straight down while slaughtering any of the frozen one bugs I pass by on the way.

A process that has gotten far easier since the beginning. What with how much my power has grown.

I continue moving down without any trouble all the way till I reach the Tier 3 frozen ones. And even then, I continue slaughtering the creatures without much trouble.

All the way till I reach the point I’ve always turned back until now.

A point where a strange icy mist is filling the ravine.

My eyes narrow a little before I fly straight down into the mist. Immediately feeling some of it absorbing into myself thanks to Cold Energy Absorption.

But even with some of it entering me and empowering me, most of it is still there.

And what is just as surprising as when I first saw it, I can’t easily see through it like I can most other things of the sort. Like how I can see through the blizzards of the Eternal Winter with ease.

Probably means this is an ability of the leader down here or something.

Because of this, I make sure to hug the wall as I go down. Just to make sure I’m not out in the open, making myself an easy target.

And as I do this, I deal with more and more frozen ones. Every last one of which is Tier 3 in strength.

But none of them post much of a threat to me anymore thanks to my own increase in strength.

So I keep flying downwards.

Even as the mist grows thicker and thicker, making it harder to see.

And even as I reach a point where the ravine expands outwards.

It isn’t until I begin to find webbing that I slow down. My eyes narrowing at the hint of what the leader may very well be.

A spider.

But my assumption quickly turns cold when I find something else rather odd.

The walls of the cavern aren’t made of stone.

They’re made out of the same sorts of materials that an actual bee hive would be made out of.

And that’s not all.

There also seem to be random bits of dirt and sticks here and there, along with some regular parts of a cavern made of dirt instead of stone.

Almost as if the place I’m in is some sort of nest of a bunch of different bugs and insects all in one.

Spiders, bees, ants, and so on.

Which I guess would explain the whole swarm of different types of bugs in the ravine.

I continue moving down deeper into the cavern, finding all of the different signs of nests growing more noticeable the further down I get. With the webbing growing thicker along with bits of honey dripping here and there.

All the way till I find a large hole in the very bottom of the cavern.

One covered in webbing like a cocoon.

And through a small opening on the top of the cocoon, I see one bug after another crawling out. Each of different types.

Looks like I found it.


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