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Alexander North

I continue moving down the ravine, slaughtering the frozen ones all the way till I feel myself completely worn out again. To the point that I know I won’t be able to escape or fight if I face the bugs’ leader now.

So I once again retreat. Except this time, instead of just heading back to the bunker right away, I head into the mall again. Searching for the shirts I ditched the last time.

And fortunately for me, they are still there. Albeit covered in some frost that I quickly shake off.

After collecting them, I go ahead and head straight for the bunker. Where I find both girls already back.

But this time I’m too exhausted to stop and talk with them. So I just drop off the shirts before collapsing in bed and falling asleep in an instant.

By the time I wake up again, I find a large majority of my energy having regenerated again. Which is interesting as it implies my regeneration is growing faster and faster.

Makes me wonder if it has something to do with how much energy I have in general. Or maybe it’s just because I’m absorbing more and more cold energy from my surroundings.

Either way, I quickly head out again after making sure Alexia and Cynthia are still okay. Heading straight towards the ravine again.

And just like before, when I arrive, there are more bugs again. Except this time, there aren’t as many.

My eyes narrow a little before I find myself smirking.

Alright. So they can’t just infinitely make more of them.

There are two possibilities for why there aren’t as many that I can think of.

Either they’re growing fatigued from making so many, or there just weren’t enough down below to replace them, with the ones from yesterday having just come up from below.

Or there’s just the possibility that the possible Frozen Lord down there is trying to deceive me into thinking that. With them hiding frozen ones down below and making me think there aren’t as many.

Regardless, I’ll just keep up with my current plans and hunt.

After all, there’s nothing wrong about growing stronger.

So I return to my hunt again. Slaughtering frozen ones back to back and gradually making my way downwards again. By this point having gotten used to this routine.

I wonder just how many days I’m going to be spending here hunting.


Somewhere on Arran

Crao returns its attention to the tunnel leading down into the lair of one of its subordinates. And when it sees the Frozen Lord hybrid once again making its way downwards, it feels a minor amount of irritation. But other than that, it simply ignores the creature.

Because the God of Winter decided to leave him be lest he enter one of the Frozen Lords territories. At which point only that Frozen Lord may target him.

And the experimental hive is not in Crao’s territory. It is in Cryonix’s territory.

But Cryonix is still asleep.

So no one is able to capture the Frozen Lord hybrid right now. Not unless the Vanguard wakes up.

Crao continues to watch as the hybrid slaughters his way through the hive’s mass produced forces for a while. Just growing his own strength along the way and making himself much more of threat than before.

Then Crao turns its attention towards the hive queen. A special frozen one without any sapience or real planning.

And what Crao finds makes another trickle of irritation run through it.

Because the hive queen is beginning to rouse from its breeding slumber. Interrupting Crao’s plans to amass an army.

Crao doesn’t even consider interfering with the hybrid, because that would be breaking His will. And Crao would never even consider that.

Even if Crao did consider it, it would be killed after performing the act anyways.

Because Dragron would never allow anyone who broke His will to survive.

For good reason.

The Winter God is the absolute ruler and origin of all cold energy and frozen ones.

Which is why seeing a creature with the power of a warm one flaunting the power of the cold one infuriates Crao. Enough that its form – which is usually nothing more than a single chunk of floating ice – begins to shift, warping around in its anger.

Crao continues watching as the hive queen slowly wakes up, the creature’s form covered in a thick, icy mist. And after watching for several seconds, Crao finally turns its attention away.

There’s no problem there.

In the end, Crao decides that the hive queen will simply return to production after it deals with the Frozen Lord hybrid. Which should be a simple enough matter for a creature as powerful as the hive queen.

Even if the hybrid continues to grow his strength.

But right when Crao is about to continue focusing on the plan, another interference occurs. One in the form of radio waves beginning to approach the world of Arran.

Crao turns its attention towards space, finding the radio waves having been adapted to be able to pass through the Eternal Winter. Through His energy.

Then Crao feels a mental link establish between itself and Dragron. Following which Crao is brought up to date about the events of some of the other worlds.

Worlds where the warm ones are winning the fights and beginning to create new spacefaring crafts that work within His energy.

Crao feels surprised at the number of warm one worlds that are winning against the cold one assault. Especially when it hears that the angels have nothing to do with their victories, showing just how powerful the warm ones are on those worlds.

Then its surprise turns to rage at the very idea that a regular warm one could ever surpass Frozen Lords.

Dragron sends another wave of information to Crao, warning it that the world may be getting new warm ones to help the warm ones here soon enough.

Crao’s form stops warping at that before expanding to the size of an entire cavern in the large, frozen building it’s in.

‘Understood,’ Crao responds.

Then it doubles down on its work towards adapting the world.


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