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To start things off, here are three new pieces of story art. After them will just be some story art for characters that may or may not be attending the ceremony.

New art of Shirou, the emperor of the Eternal Dynasty:

Next up is art that I'll just go ahead and let you take your own guesses as to what it is :)

And seeing the file name is cheating :/

But I'm too lazy to change the file name just to post it here.

And next up is art that a lot of people have asked for. Art of Aria and Asher, her cat:

With her just sitting on a lawn chair on the dock of a hunter's bay on Eternus with Asher blocking her from reading her book. His paws are white btw, but you can't see them through the book.

The next pictures are ones you've seen before, and they're of characters that may or may not show up at the ceremony:




The Pharaoh, Raja:



For the ones who will be at the ceremony, that's obviously not their garbs at the ceremony. Except Shirou, the emperor of the Eternal Dynasty. That is his outfit at the ceremony.



this mean no crimson chapter today?


See I was tempted to say thats war’s horse but it’s very thin not something you would from a normal war horse you know like cavalry from medieval times and when I looked close I’m pretty sure it’s just bones under the armor so my guess is it’s aria’s future horse


Putting everything you just said aside, you've already seen War's horse in earlier story art posts. So it should be clear that it's not War's horse.


Damn shirogane hot