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The Capital Planet of the Terran Empire

Edward North grins as he slams his fist into the head of yet another Tier 4 strength Frozen Lord. Dealing with the very last Tier 4 on the capital planet.

Leaving nothing but the weaker frozen ones and the Tier 5 left.

And after lifting his fist from the remains of its head, ignoring as the creature’s blue blood drips from his knuckles, he turns to look at the Tier 5 in question that is floating high in the air. The creature has spikes going out of its upper back and the back of its head, and it looks like it’s wearing a set of armor made out of a strange metal. One Edward recognizes as being from an ancient ruins located at the center of the capital planet. The most likely place where this frozen one was buried before the Eternal Winter came.

Edward’s been in a good mood ever since he heard that the communications between planets was going to be repaired soon. But, as he looks at the Frozen Lord in front of him, he feels that good mood fading ever so slightly.

Because the Frozen Lord looks just like one of the Frozen Lords they spotted on the ice planet known as Cocytus. The Frozen Lords that were with the Winter God, Cocytus himself.

“You have impressed me, champion of the warm ones,” the Frozen Lord declares while slowly floating into the air despite not having any wings. Simply using the blizzard around him to fly instead.

Edward tenses his legs, making the ice and concrete beneath his feet crack and shatter before he jumps straight up at the Frozen Lord with his hand open wide and a wave of flames building up around his palms. But the Frozen Lord sends a wave of blizzarding snow and ice down below him that shoots himself upwards further into the sky, dodging the general’s attack. Then the general falls back down to the ground, landing with one fist slamming into the concrete and cracking it for several meters around his point of impact.

“Are you really going to flee?” Edward asks while standing up straight again and turning his head to look at the Frozen Lord, who merely looks down at him with the liquid blue glow from his chest shining brighter and his glowing blue eyes dimming and brightening.

The Frozen Lord eventually answers, his mouth filled with razor sharp teeth not moving at all despite his speaking, “The Esteemed One must know of the champion. And his connection to the hybrid lord.”

The second part of his statement catches Edward off-guard.

Hybrid lord? What’s that?

He frowns in confusion before eventually crossing his arms, briefly glancing at the soldiers in the area that all have their cold energy infused weapons trained on the Frozen Lord. Then he turns back to the Frozen Lord. But before he can ask anything, the Frozen Lord’s mouth turns ever so slightly into a grin as he asks, “Oh? You don’t even realize it yourself?”

Edward’s frown grows as he jumps up onto a nearby building just to get closer to the Frozen Lord.

“Right, you warm ones, or ‘humans’, as you like to call yourselves, need your technology to communicate across worlds,” the Frozen Lord continues, his grin growing in a mocking manner. “Then how about I inform you of what’s happening on a certain planet.”

That has Edward’s eyes narrowing in a mixture of irritation and suspicion, the last of his good mood fading in an instant.

“Explain,” Edward growls out as steam begins to rise from his skin. Melting the snow and ice falling around him.

The Frozen Lord’s grin grows even wider as he says, “You’re vastly different from your offspring, warm one champion.”

Edward immediately destroys the roof as he jumps after the Frozen Lord again, managing to graze him this time with a punch to the face before the Frozen Lord avoids the rest of the attack. But despite most of Edward’s attack missing, he still leaves a fist imprint on the Frozen Lord’s face that emits smoke.

Despite being attacked, the Frozen Lord chuckles while moving around to watch Edward fall back down to the ground again, crushing the concrete once more.

“Vastly different indeed,” the Frozen Lord continues without missing a beat. “Dragron’s words imply your offspring wouldn’t react to mere instigation. That the hybrid lord is more like a cold one than a warm one in heart and form.”

Edward freezes right as he’s about to jump at the Frozen Lord again.

“Even our God has taken an interest in the hybrid lord,” the Frozen Lord says, noticing the hesitation in the general’s movements. “But it’s only a matter of time before the hybrid is captured.”

That makes Edward turn to stare at the Frozen Lord in surprise.

He’s alright? He’s alive?

Despite the Frozen Lord’s intentions, Edward feels more relief from his words now than anything else. Because it means he’s still alive.

That he isn’t in the frozen ones’ hands.

Edward’s frown turns into a grin. One that startles the Frozen Lord.

“Thank you,” Edward says, feeling all of the anxiety he was previously filled with vanishing in an instant. Both the anxiety he felt due to not being able to contact his son, even if he knew he would be able to soon, and the anxiety he felt from seeing the Frozen Lord in front of him. One that made him wonder if there could possibly be a Frozen Lord of his strength on the world Alex is.

The Frozen Lord finally opens his mouth for a moment before closing it entirely.

Then the Frozen Lord simply stares at Edward before floating higher again. As if he gave up on trying to get a reaction out of the general and is moving on, away from the world.

And Edward just watches him go, resigned to his departure. After all, Edward can’t fly like the Frozen Lord.

Instead, he just turns around and begins walking back to the military headquarters as he shouts at his subordinates, “Inform the research and development department their funds are being increased now that the Frozen Lord threat is abated.”

The soldiers all salute and shout, “Yes, sir!” before running off to follow his orders.

Meanwhile Edward just continues walking back to the military headquarters, a faint smile on his face.

He’s okay. He’s really okay.

None of the soldiers notice through the snow and ice, but a few tears begin to drip down his face.



Their reunion is ganna be amazing