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Alexander North

It takes her a little while to eat the crystal. And after she does, it takes even longer to figure out just what sort of ability she got. Since the part of her that she felt pain in during the actual mutation process was her claws. But nothing changed about them to a visual extent.

But it becomes clear when she tries her claws out casually on a random frozen one outside of the radio tower and begins to drain its energy without even killing it.

“Some sort of energy drain ability,” I comment while rubbing the bottom half of my face and watching. Honestly feeling a tiny bit jealous. Because that would be a very nice ability to have.

Well, it would be if it drained more energy. But it doesn’t seem to drain very much.

Probably because this was a weak crystal.

Maybe if I find a much stronger one that I could take myself later?

Assuming I can even find the same ability.

Especially considering how most of the large crystals like the one that gave me cold energy immunity are likely controlled by Frozen Lords. And I can’t really take on most of those fellas right now.

They’re too strong.

Anyways, I pat Alexia on the head as I watch her excitedly try out her new ability on nearby weak frozen ones. And after she does that for a little while, the three of us move on to the next nest. Because I want Alexia to have at least a few abilities to work with other than my own original ability.

The first nest we go to after the radio tower is located a couple dozen kilometers to the Northeast. Above the capital. And the nest ends up being in a small outskirts town that looks to have been set up after the Eternal Winter came.

A town that has since been abandoned due to the nest.

Alexia and Cynthia handle the place without much trouble, and we quickly move on to the next nest. A sewer leading into the capital city itself that’s a bit South of the last nest.

They handle that one without too much trouble either and we move on to the next. Then the next. And the next.

And after we finish dealing with five nests back to back, giving Alexia a rather nice supply of abilities, the three of us head to the capital city. Going directly towards the little bunker Alexia stayed while I was in my little coma.

Then again, guess I technically stayed there too. Just wasn’t conscious at the time.

Anyways, I would’ve had us go on for longer, but we couldn’t. After all, Cynthia doesn’t have our stamina. And while we don’t need shelter to sleep due to use being frost infused, she does. Even as a Symbiont Host.

The cold is just too much for her to sleep in.

When we enter the capital, though, we find quite the number of frozen ones inside of it. Far more than there was before.

And that’s not all. I also notice that there is a powerful energy source deeper inside of the capital.

Now, whether it was there before or not, I’m not sure. It could’ve been here when I was last here, but I just didn’t notice since it was before I began to control my senses. Or it could be a new development.

Either way, I know what it is from.

It’s no doubt from the powerful Frozen Lord who fought with that other Sun God serving creature.

If it’s a new development, then that means the creature is starting to recover a little. And if it’s not, then it’s not.

I’m guessing it probably is, though. Considering the larger number of frozen ones gathered in the capital.

The three of us continue marching through the city with me slaughtering the frozen ones on the way so as to give the girls a break. All the way till we reach the bunker.

And the very first thing Cynthia does when we seal the door is rush over to a bed and plop herself down.

Falling asleep right away.

I share a glance with Alexia to find her snickering. Then I glance at my cousin with an amused smirk on my face.

She always did fall asleep rather quickly back when we would sleep over together as kids.

I move over to a different bed, finding the bunker having expanded since the last time we were here. Probably the work of either Cynthia or the doctor. And without hesitation, I flop over on my back on the bed.

Then I stare up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that’s happened in the past few days.

With the Frozen Lords existence, I need to focus on getting stronger myself. But I can’t leave the girls on their own too often either.

Although… they should be fine if they’re in this area. I don’t sense any strong frozen ones nearby, much less any Frozen Lords.

Other than the sleeping one, of course.

I guess I could spend one day every three days traveling with them to help guide them, with the other two days being spent fighting frozen ones on my own and clearing stronger nests.

It should give me enough time to search for new abilities for myself as well.

And speaking of abilities…

I glance at Alexia as she flops down on the same bed as me, going to sleep just as quickly as Cynthia. Which makes me raise a brow for a moment.

…she got quite a few decent abilities from that hunt.

Although none of them are as good as the first one she got.

Except the one to shoot out little pulses of cold energy in the form of a laser bolt from her hands. That one is pretty good.

I’m just glad she got a ranged ability out of them. Since she seems to be adverse to guns for some reason.

Not sure why.

Maybe it has something to do with her biological father’s company including guns as part of its products?

I think on that for a few seconds before sighing.

Well, I need to sleep too. I can think about this later.

So with that thought, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


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