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Alexander North

One frozen one after another, one floor of the radio tower after another, the girls slowly make their way upwards. All as I watch over them without doing any fighting myself. And as they go, Alexia absorbs the energy of each of the frozen ones they kill.

Between the two, Alexia is doing better simply through sheer brute force. What with her being as strong as a Tier 2 herself while Cynthia is only as strong as a Tier 1 Symbiont Host. Or rather, she is a Tier 1 Symbiont Host. Not just ‘as strong as one’.

But Cynthia is also far better trained than Alexia, and she’s using weapons that Alexia isn’t. And while that would normally not matter much with Alexia being a frost infused, what with our abilities and everything else we have, Alexia hasn’t been able to focus on training her abilities much since she’s been training with soldiers. Probably holding back so as to not turn them into popsicles.

She also hasn’t been going out getting new abilities like I have.

So she just has the same basic ability I had. The freezing things by touch one.

Which is one of the main reasons for bringing her along. To get her more used to using abilities and to get her more of them at the same time.

Real combat is also just a better method of training than staged combat in a training room.

As for the frozen ones who are inside of the radio tower itself? They’re all limited to mostly just wendigos, some wraiths, and a new one I hadn’t seen before that isn’t too strong. Although would be rather annoying.

Some sort of bats.

Lots of them.

The things are only about half a meter in height, with a wing span of about a meter. And they seem to swarm, filling up entire floors all by themselves with no other frozen ones nearby.

Except some corpses.

So they’re territorial as well.

Even towards other frozen ones.

Reminds me of a swarm of vampire bats. What with how vampire bats will suddenly swarm any open source of blood that enters their territory, tearing it apart one small cut at a time so that they can drink up their fill of blood.

Time passes as we all continue climbing up the tower, heading closer and closer to the source of the cold energy. The crystal.

And from what I can tell, the crystal itself should be an hour or two away from maturing. Just judging by what I feel coming from it down here.

I should get a clearer reading on it the closer we get.

After we get about two thirds of the way up the tower, the girls take a short break. Mostly so Cynthia can have something to eat and drink, what with me and Alexia not needing to do those things. A fact that bothers Alexia but I am all for.

Eating and drinking is annoying. It’s a waste of time.

If only I didn’t have to sleep either, then it would be perfect.

Although I do need to absorb energy from frozen ones instead as my form of nutrients. But that’s fine since I’m going to do that regardless.

Our break lasts for about ten minutes before we continue making our way through the rest of the tower. And by the time we reach the top of the tower – a large, open area with a ceiling and the broadcast device above it and open space on the sides showing the outside of the tower through windows – we find a rather interesting sight.

At the very center of the ceiling is the crystal. And perched atop the crystal, or under it considering the fact that the crystal is upside down, is a three-meter-tall bat frozen one. Meanwhile dozens upon dozens of other bat frozen ones are all around it, perched on the ceiling nearby.

I narrow my eyes a little at the flock of bats that are quickly waking up due to our presence. And the moment they see Alexia and Cynthia, they begin flapping their wings and dislodging themselves from the ceiling. Including the Tier 2 bat.

But then they all seem to catch sight of me and hesitate.

Cynthia doesn’t give them a chance to recover from seeing me and begins open firing on them. Immediately mowing down several of them in the process and pissing of the others. Enough that they quickly seem to forget about my presence.

Alexia, on the other hand, jumps up onto the little pillars of the wall that aren’t made of glass and then jumps off of that, using it as a springboard to reach the bats. Then she sinks her claws into the closest one and drags it straight down to the ground before crushing the little fella.

I watch the two of them work for a bit, finding them working together rather well. With each of them protecting the other whenever any frozen one gets too close.

And they would really be doing quite well.

If it weren’t for the Tier 2 that is doing nothing but screeching as it flies in place at the center of the tower.

Just what is it doing… could it be waiting for the crystal to fully mature? Maybe so it can devour it and take the ability before attacking the girls? Or just to take the ability before it flees the tower?

Both of my guesses turn out to be wrong when the pale blue bat suddenly opens its mouth and lets out a horrid screech that makes me frown a little. Meanwhile both girls flinch as they cover their ears.

The other bats don’t seem to mind, though, as they simply rush at the girls. Using this as an opening to attack.

Cynthia ends up being bitten in both her shoulder and forearm of different arms, but she pulls herself back together and kills both bats before shooting at the others with one hand covering her ears.

On the other hand, Alexia is bitten several times. But the frozen ones in question don’t really sink their fangs in very deep, making the bites seem more like bug-bites than anything from what I can see here. And Alexia just grabs them and crushes their heads with her bare hands afterwards. Using their teeth being lodged in her as an opening to attack.

I cross my arms as I watch the girls fight with the bats all avoiding me like the plague. And as I watch, I can’t help but feel a little bit of pride for Alexia.

She’s come so far.

The corners of my lips quirk upwards.

But there’s still the Tier 2 to handle.

Let’s see how they do against it.


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