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Alexander North

Our trip outside of the base’s walls reminds me of more than one thing.

First, it’s the first time in a while that I’m traveling with a regular human. Albeit a Symbiont Host. And that reminds me of the very simple fact that it’s cold outside.

Something I don’t generally tend to notice since I’m largely immune to it. If not entirely now.

The natural cold, at least.

If the Eternal Winter can be considered natural.

Then the second thing I remember.

The weaker frozen ones like to avoid me like the plague.

I’d partially forgotten this due to my time in that last nest. The one that was very strong. Where I got cold immunity from and ran into the Frozen Lord.

And it’s annoying. Also makes it difficult for Alexia to train.

Hopefully it won’t be an issue when we actually enter a nest.

The third thing I remember is just how plain weak these regular frozen ones are. Because they aren’t getting me any energy at all.

Or at least not a noticeable amount.

Probably because they’re so weak I just have to sprint up to them before they run, grab them by the throat, and snap it like a twig at this point. So not very strong.

At all.

I eventually just give up on attacking them myself, leaving it to the girls instead. For their training and so that Alexia can absorb their energy herself instead.

And, finally, I’m reminded right now as I stare at the large radio tower that’s radiating out a weak cold energy not to fully trust intel. Because the intel is not real-time intel. So more nests are still appearing even after we got that intel.

Then again, this makes for less walking and a shorter trip. And this particular nest seems weak enough for Alexia and Cynthia to handle on their own.

Terminal, are there any major threats nearby?

|Analyzing the surrounding area...|

I don’t sense anything myself, but it’s always best to make absolutely certain. After all, anything could happen.

Learned that lesson in the last nest.

|All nearby frozen ones are Tier 2 or below.|

Thought so.

From what I can tell, the one guarding the crystal is most likely a Tier 2 frozen one. Meanwhile everything else is Tier 1.

Alexia should easily be able to handle most Tier 1 frozen ones, but a Tier 2 could prove more trouble.

I’ll have to see how she’s doing by the time we reach the crystal.

Anyways, I turn away from the nest to find both girls studying the tall radio tower covered in frost.

“The nest should only have Tier 1 frozen ones, with what’s most likely a single Tier 2,” I warn the two while crossing my arms, bringing their attention to me for a second before they focus on the tower again. “The Tier 1 frozen ones won’t be an issue, but I will be following the two of you until you reach the crystal chamber where the Tier 2 is waiting. And if you end up in trouble against it, I will step in personally.” I pause for a second and add, “Got it?”

Both girls nod their heads, satisfying me.

This should make for a good test for the two of them.

“Then the operation will be for you two to both clear out the nest of frozen ones and for Alexia claim the crystal,” I order them both. “Do you have any questions?”

The girls proceed to ask one question after another for a few minutes ranging from the types of frozen ones that I’ve run into, the types I’m guessing are most likely within this radio tower, what the structure I sense is, where the crystal is, and so on. And with each and every question, I feel the corner of my lips inching ever so slightly upwards.

So far so good.

After they finish asking questions, I declare, “Then let the operation begin.”

Then I sit back and watch as the two move.

Their operation starts out with scouting out the entrances of the tower, followed shortly by having Alexia determine then umber of frozen ones within using her own senses. Senses that aren’t as refined or accurate as mine, but are certainly improving at the very least.

After finishing getting a layout of the place, the two move around the exterior, exterminating the frozen ones outside of the nest.

If there were a sapient frozen one here then they’d go with a different plan, but since there isn’t a frozen one strong enough for that here, none of them will likely notice the disappearance of the frozen ones.

I watch them clear out the frozen ones outside before they move to the main entrance to the radio tower and begin entering it. And I watch each of their combat styles, with Cynthia focusing on her sword and cold energy infused rifle and Alexia focusing on her brute-force strength, all the way until they clear the first floor.

Overall, Cynthia is very talented in her combat style. It’s obvious she was trained by a professional. Which makes sense with her being a princess and all.

On the other hand, Alexia’s fighting style reminds me a little of how my own has become over my time as a frost infused.

Then again, my fighting style largely became this way due to my swords always breaking.

I just don’t want to replace my blades over and over again.

Anyways, the girls slowly make their way up one floor after another, killing off the frozen ones as they go. And I can’t help but feel a bit impressed with how far Alexia has gotten in such a short time.

I’m pretty sure she had no training in combat before meeting me after all. So it’s rather surprising to see her fighting this well.

She must’ve been trying really hard in her practice.

I smile at that thought as I continue following after them.


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