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Don't mind this. It's so that free readers can't see half the chapter.

This is Wednesday's chapter btw. I ended up writing it early.


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Alexander North

“I see…” Cynthia mutters, looking down while covering the lower half of her face. “I was aware of most of that, but the information about what the Frozen Lords are capable of doing is news to me.”

“Hmm,” I hum, glancing at the side of the room where I see Alexia coming out of the women’s changing room while wearing a regular set of clothing without any armor. “It’s how I got Snow to return to her senses.”

Snow lets out a little whine while rubbing her head against my leg, making me pet her as Alexia arrives to join us. The girl jumping at me, startling me in the process even when I catch her in my arms.

She wraps her arms around my neck while muttering, “I’m glad you’re back safe, Dad. I was worried when I heard you were in a trap.”

I pat her back with a faint smile stretching across my face. Only to wipe that smile away when I find Cynthia grinning at me and mouthing ‘father’.

Putting Cynthia’s playfulness aside, I ask either of the two, “Did anything happen while I was away?”

I feel Alexia shaking her head before she moves back a little, allowing me to see her face as she answers, “Nope. It was rather boring, actually.”

That has the corner of my lip trying to quirk upwards again. But I hold it back.

Instead I glance at the other soldiers who are coming out of their respective changing rooms and moving to stand at attention before me.

“No need,” I tell them with a wave of my hand. “I’ll give you your instructions tomorrow. For now, you’re dismissed.”

“Sir!” they all shout before walking away, leaving the training room and entering the main training center. With many leaving the training center entirely afterwards.

I take a moment to watch them leave before focusing on Alexia and saying, “I’ll likely be staying here for a few days. Then I’ll be going out hunting for nests further away from the base.”

My words immediately take the excitement out of the girl as she slumps over in my arms.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be anywhere near as dangerous as my last trip,” I tell her while patting her back. “The stronger frozen ones, known now as Frost Lords, have been ordered by their god to leave me alone when I’m not in their territory.”

She pulls back a little, a sad look still on her face. But now the look is mixed with a bit of confusion. So I go ahead and go over everything that happened in the last mission. And after taking several minutes to explain it, she looks a lot calmer.

Calm enough that she relaxes again and mutters to herself, “I wonder if I’m part Frozen Lord as well…”

I blink at that before frowning myself.

Huh. Didn’t think about that. But it’s highly likely that she is. What with her taking in my energy and all.


|This unit needs more data for a complete conclusion. However, it is most likely that the child is the same as Alexander.|

Thought so. Which makes me a little hesitant about taking her out of the base…

But at the same time, it makes me hesitant about leaving her here too.

A real conundrum both ways.

Especially since I work better alone nowadays.

On that note, I glance at Cynthia and ask, “How are they doing?”

She shakes her head, answering right away, “Still unconscious.”

Damn. Was really hoping they’d be awake again by the time I returned.

I let out a sigh before looking up at the ceiling in thought.

At the rate things are going, along with how the Frozen Lords have been ordered to leave me be unless I enter their territory, it would likely be safest for her to travel with me now. Instead of staying at the base.


I glance at her as she pulls out a cell phone and starts playing on it. A device that isn’t seen as often amongst those with terminals since terminals are so useful.

She obviously doesn’t have a terminal, though. And I’m not sure if it would even be possible to give her one. Considering the fact that she isn’t human.

My own terminal ended up mutated and gaining some sapience after all.

There’s no telling what would happen for her.

Alexia plays on her phone for a little while before I let out a sigh, catching both her and Cynthia’s attention as Cynthia no doubt messes with her terminal. Then I finally ask Alexia, “Would you like to come with me on my next trip?”

She immediately perks up at that and begins smiling as she wraps her arms around me and exclaims, “Yes!!!”

Thought so.

I glance at Cynthia to find her wryly smiling.

“You know I’ll be coming as well,” she says without really giving me the option of saying no. So I just nod my head.

She’s worried about Alexia. And I have the authority to bring her with me now.

Best to just let her come with.

There are still a couple things I’m worried about, but overall, I think this is the best way to go about things. Doing it this way gives me the chance to let Alexia grow stronger while protecting her and growing stronger myself.

And Cynthia can just do her own thing and work on her Symbiont while we do this.

I might even get Alexia a couple abilities while we’re at it. Even if I’ll still prioritize growing stronger myself. Since I’d rather be able to protect them myself.

Especially when I’m the focus of the Frozen Lords right now.

But on that note, I have to wonder about my new ability. About whether it’s common amongst frozen ones or not.

An interesting question.

It probably is. Although likely not a crystal this big and therefore an ability this powerful.

I look up at the ceiling with a frown on my face for a few seconds before shaking my head and telling the girls, “Let’s go tell the doctor.”

They both nod and we all begin leaving the training center, heading towards the doctor’s office.



Thanks for the chapter ! Besides winter wolf this is probably my favorite story .