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Alexander North

“First Lieutenant North, under the shared agreement of three bases, you have been granted the special designation of Frozen Consultant,” the lieutenant colonel says, his similar eyes to my own staring straight into my eyes. “From here on, you will be exempt from all military commands so long as your actions result in progress towards dealing with the frozen one problems we are facing.”

My mouth parts open for a second before closing again in my surprise.

Then I try hard to hold myself back from smiling.

Excellent. Now I can act as I please without orders.

Although I’m pretty sure this promotion was a way for them to uphold authority. Since I’m stronger than all of the officers on this planet, including the ones who are higher ranked than me.

Meaning they can’t actually do anything to force me into doing anything I don’t want to do. So they went and gave me a rank that would give an excuse for me not following orders to uphold their own honor.

It also appeases me and gets on my good side by giving me freedom.

So it’s a win on both sides.

Even if I’m sure they would rather be able to control me. But that’s just not gonna happen.

“Thank you, sir,” I tell the lieutenant colonel with a salute. “I will strive to serve in my role well.”

The man looks me over once before nodding once and beginning to leave.

Through a rather surprising means.

I blink at the sight of the man flapping those wings of ice and flying through the air out of the hole.

Huh. Guess those wings aren’t just for show.

Kind of assumed they were, what with them being made out of ice and all.

Then again, physics itself has been breaking for a while now due to the eternal winter. So being able to fly with fragile looking wings of ice isn’t too weird.

I turn towards Snow when she begins rubbing her head against my arm, making me pet her in return. And as I do that, my thoughts return to the topic that the sapient frozen one – a Frozen Lord apparently – brought up.

“Thank you, Snow,” I whisper to the not-so-little girl, seemingly confusing her.

Snow likely saved us all when she showed up. Since I highly doubt we would’ve stood a chance against that Frozen Lord.

She was just too powerful.

So if Snow hadn’t shown up, she would’ve slaughtered everyone here but me. Then she would’ve taken me with her to wherever she was planning on bringing me.

Likely to that god of hers.

Cocytus, I believe his name was.

That said, it is rather interesting. The fact that I’m not just part frozen one, but part Frozen Lord.

I narrow my eyes ever so slightly at Snow before smiling.

Maybe I can take advantage of this. Make more semi-sapient frozen ones like Snow.

Only the stronger frozen ones will do. Because I can’t waste my energy like that, what with it taking a permanent portion of my energy with each one I ‘turn’. Even if it isn’t a large amount.

But if I can grow stronger by hunting and find powerful frozen ones to turn at the same time… I could stand a chance against a Frozen Lord.

It will likely take a very long time for me to stand any sort of chance against the one we just got trounced by, though. So most likely a different Frozen Lord.

I’m not sure why their god is giving me this chance to grow stronger, but I will take it. Even if that is likely what their god wants me to do. Considering that they’re giving me the chance in the first place.

I feel my fist clenching at my side before I let go of Snow with my other hand and take a step back, looking up at the hole in the ceiling of the hole.

Now that I’ve dealt with this nest, I think I need a short break. Maybe a day or so off.

Then I can get back to hunting the nests that are further away.

I can also check up on Alexia during that time. See how she’s faring and how her training is going.

But first, before all of that, I need to test my new ability. So I jump straight up into the air, clearing my way towards close to the top of the wall before I jump off of the wall and enter the hole in the ceiling. And I quickly hear Snow following after me.

After I leave the hole, I move on to search for some nearby frozen ones. Preferably stronger ones that can actually cause me harm.

A search that proves to be rather difficult, and in the end leads me to another smaller mini nest nearby. One that doesn’t have a crystal but just a semi-sapient frozen one like Snow leading it.

Almost like a pack.

Interesting. And it’ll make for a good test subject for my new ability.

So without hesitation I slaughter my way through the mini nest until I reach the semi-sapient frozen one, which is some sort of large spider. One that brings back some rather poor memories of the past when it jumps on me.

Fortunately it doesn’t self-destruct like the spiders I remember from the base.

Mostly just fortunately for my gear, though. Because their self-destruction didn’t affect me even back then.

Instead of self-destructing, this spider begins sticking some sort of cold energy infused silk to me.

But to the spider’s confusion, it doesn’t actually do anything to me.


This spider is probably a few points weaker than me in most stats, so it’s not weak. And whatever its ability was supposed to do isn’t doing anything.

Looks like this new ability of mine is the real deal after all.

My lips quirk upwards at that thought as Snow growls at the spider.

Not bad.


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