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Years begin to pass by much faster than before in a repeated process after the war. And throughout that time, I gradually raise my EXP Level almost to Tier 4 to match my Cultivation Level, graciously accept more gifts than I can count from the Fallen, and fill up the empty floors of my dungeon that I got through the Dragon’s Core one after another. All the way till the floor I find myself working on now.

The twenty-fifth floor, and my fifth boss floor of the dungeon.

And I feel inspired for this particular floor.

I’ve gathered plenty of new void creatures for my dungeon. Plenty of new traps. And plenty of new ideas. So now I want to combine everything into one singular floor.

And this time it won’t be a labyrinth. Because I have too many of those.

Actually, most dungeons in general have too many of those.

To start the floor off, I completely ignore the instance where Rose is currently being pricked by a poisonous needle from choosing the wrong lever in one of the later floors as I set the entrance portal to the twentieth floor at the very top of a tall tower in the middle of the void. A tower that simply floats in place and has a ruined look to it with a sleek black metal infused with void energy making up its material.

After I finish the tower and the aesthetics for it – something I’ve gotten a lot more used to over the years thanks to Dawn – I make floating platforms that at first look like they’re placed at random and move around equally as random all over the void near the tower. But in reality I make it so they all connect into a few different paths, with the platforms meeting and staying in place for a perfect amount of time for someone to cross between them.

Once in a while I make sure to add another tower connected to the trail of platforms. Except these towers are connected at the bases of the platforms. And the next platform won’t start moving unless a lever or switch of some sort is pulled within the tower somewhere.

I continue making three different routes that the outsiders can use, each with a total of ten different towers. Then I move on to making a single enormous tower at the end of the three eventually converging routes.

And when I call it enormous, I mean enormous.

I want to make this floor a breakpoint floor. One that challenges the outsiders so much that only actually skilled outsiders can pass through. Competent ones.

Ignoring the people who are just brute forcing their way through, that is. Since there will always be people like that.

Whether it’s due to them being a higher Tier than the floor or due to them being carried.

This floor is going to be my masterpiece. Or, my Tier 3 masterpiece, I guess.

I didn’t do all that much special for the twentieth floor and the fourth boss, so this will make up for that a great deal.

And unlike that floor, this one will make use of plenty of everything. Including the gates I set up leading back and forth between the void and Midgard in the area of the secondary dungeon. A place that made for nice room to expand. What with the dragons napping beneath me, stopping me from expanding downwards underneath my own dungeon.

If I were in my avatar right now I’m sure I’d be grinning. But I’m not, so I just focus on making the floor.

I set the gates back and forth between the void and Midgard within the final tower. Making them act as both portals and connection points to bring the outsiders to Midgard to throw them off. After which they will go through another gate on Midgard after completing a few puzzle rooms that brings them back to the final tower within the void.

Even the puzzles are the hardest puzzles and riddles I’ve been able to come up with thus far.

Over time I get lost in building the floor, only getting my usual gifts and trade benefits while half aware of what I’m doing, my focus mostly on the twenty-fifth floor.

After finishing up half of the tower, though, I make sure to finally begin populating the floor with monsters.

Starting with the anti-flight motivator I’m placing in this floor. A must-have for a floor like this.

Don’t want the outsiders just flying around and ignoring the platforms after all.

Wouldn’t set a good precedent, nor would it make the floor hard.

These ‘motivators’ as I like to call them are basically just incredibly powerful mana-infused monsters that roam wildly around the entire floor. But despite that, the only people they attack are those who try to fly.

Basically if an outsider’s feet leave the plat ground for too long then the monster will start targeting them if they’re within their sights. And if they continue standing firmly on the ground, then they’re not even seen as enemies by these monsters.

The biggest problem I quickly come up with the monster in question, though, is the price in mana.

They’re a type of monster I made after I was fed a creature called a gargoyle. Something that works on a vaguely similar yet very different concept entirely. With the monster only attacking under certain conditions. Naturally, not in an enforced manner. But the mana that I have to expend just to make a single one is the amount of mana I regenerate in an entire day.

So it’s safe to say that it’s gonna take a long time to finish filling the floor with like a dozen or so of them.

Thankfully my limit on number of mana-infused monsters within a floor is starting to go away now that I’m getting closer and closer to Lord Tier. Tier 5.

Just one more EXP Level and I’ll be a High Knight at Tier 4. Then I just have one more Tier left till I reach Tier 5.



Thank you for writing novels that I enjoy so much