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Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 8

Silence fills the deck of the ship for several seconds before I stand up straight again with the girl in my arms still. Then I glance at a soldier off to the side as I order, “Please bring us some clothes that would fit a young woman of her size.”

“Yes, Your Highness!” The soldier exclaims with a bow before charging off.

I turn to look down at the girl who is just burying her face in my chest like a child trying to hide herself.

“Could you tell me about yourself, Octavia?” I ask, but she doesn’t say anything in response, leaving us all in silence for several more seconds.

I raise my head to stare at Dad as I mutter, “She doesn’t talk much.”

“I can tell,” he answers rather dryly. “Who is this?”

Oh. Guess they couldn’t see exactly what happened after the battle.

Probably just saw that the massive abomination was gone and started moving forwards.

Then again, guess that’s for the best. For Octavia’s modesty.

“This is Gluttony, otherwise known as Octavia,” I answer him, leaving him stunned for a few seconds as he turns to stare at the girl. Who, of which, seems to shrink even more at his gaze.

Not sure if this is because she’s just incredibly shy, very antisocial, or if it’s partially because she’s naked under that cloak.

She is Gluttony…” Dad mutters, sounding like he’s having trouble believing it. He stares for a few more seconds before turning to look at my face as my brothers both jump aboard the ship. “She’s Gluttony?”

“Yes, she is,” I answer with a frown on my face. “And you didn’t have to ask twice.”

Charles and Rodrick both approach us with frowns on their faces as well. Then Rodrick points at her and looks at me as he asks, “She’s Gluttony?”

I don’t bother answering him because I know he could hear me.

Instead I glance at the same soldier that I’d ordered to go get clothes for her returning from the stairs. And after he reaches the top of the stairs, he bows once more and says, “Clothes of various sizes have been prepared from the nearest city, Your Highness.”

I nod my head at him before glancing at Dad and saying, “I’ll go ahead and get her dressed. Then I’ll try talking to her a bit.”

He nods his head and says, “Very well. We’ll be clearing out the ships.”

I follow the soldier down to the main deck before we enter the ship itself, still with the girl in my arms. Then I follow him to a cabin, at which point he stops at the door and bows.

“Your Highness, the clothes are inside,” he says, closing the door after I give him a nod of my head.

Alright. Now to figure out what to do with Gluttony.

I glance at her in my arms, only to find her no longer burying her face in my chest.

Oh? Guess she just didn’t like other people around.

But will she let me put her down? That’s the question.

I slowly begin to move her away from me, and after not seeing her reacting besides a mere glance, I lower her to the ground. And to my surprise, she doesn’t make any sort of fuss and actually stands on her own. Albeit a little wobbly. Almost like she’s not used to standing.

She actually almost stumbles, making me instinctively reach out to help her stand.

“You okay, Octavia?” I ask with a frown on my face.

The girl slowly nods her head without saying a word. So I turn to look at the large rack of clothes that was no doubt teleported here from a nearby city. Since there’s no way they have clothes like these just casually sitting around on a ship like this.

I glance at her before focusing on the rack and rubbing my chin.

Clothes have never been something I’ve cared all that much about, despite being a princess. So I’m not really the best person to go picking out clothes for her.

But I get the feeling if I were to leave this room, she would probably just follow after me. And if I brought some female soldier in here to help her, she’d probably end up clinging to me again.

Then again, these clothes are just temporary. I doubt they’d fit her perfectly anyways.

So I walk up to the rack before grabbing some random outfit from the rack and bring it over to the bed in the corner of the room.

“Does this outfit work?” I ask while turning to her. “If not you can pick anything you want off the rack.”

Yeah, didn’t think about it because of how young she looks and how she was clinging to me, but she can pick her own clothes. She is probably an adult after all.

And then she just starts walking over towards the outfit I put on the bed before taking off the cloak and beginning to put on the outfit without a word.

Or I guess not? Unless she just likes the outfit I chose.

I look down with a frown as I wonder what this girl’s background is.

She should’ve been taken from our world as well, just like me. But who is she exactly?

All she’s said is her first name.

Does she have a family name?

Wait a second, will her name show up without problem now that she’s no longer in that abomination form?

I look up at her as she puts on the trousers of the outfit before identifying her.


Name: Octavia van Glendell

Species: Embodiment of Gluttony

Level: 30


My mind blanks at that family name.

Oh. Uh…



The Glendell family is a fallen noble household. So if she’s a part of the Glendell family…

I can’t help but give her a slightly sad look.

She has no family. All of the Glendell family was supposed to be wiped out except the daughter of the noble family.

Well that’s… that’s bad.


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