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Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 8

I move closer to Gluttony despite my surprise, looking at the previously monstrous-looking creature that is now nothing more than a naked woman floating in the water and blood that is the coast of the sea. With blood coating most of her body as well.

Orange blood.

Well that’s not odd or anything.

Then again, I think Pride’s blood was purple.

Guess the blood of us Sins conforms to our Sin. I just never noticed since my Sin is largely crimson with some black.

And blood is already normally crimson in color anyways.

Anyways, putting aside the color of the woman’s blood, her skin is rather pale. She has long blonde hair, and is quite short. Probably only around five foot tall. But I think she’s an adult despite that. Albeit barely.

She’s also rather cute. Like an adult that still has hints of immaturity in her.

I can’t tell what color her eyes are since she’s unconscious and has them closed, but I’d be willing to wager that they’re orange. Since that’s what they were in her monstrous form.

As for nonhuman features like my claws, fangs, and eyes, and Pride’s horns and eyes? She seems to have a strange, glowing symbol around her stomach. One that almost feels like an endless void within a monstrous mouth.

Rather creepy, if I’m being honest.

The blood on her body isn’t helping with that creepiness either.

That aside though, I don’t notice anything inhuman about her. Just her blood and most likely her eyes and that symbol.

Then again, I’m not too much different in that regard. The only thing inhuman about my appearance is my eyes, claws, and fangs. But my claws and fangs are retractable, so most of the time I just look like a pale human with glowing red and black eyes.

I frown at the woman before reaching forward to brush her hair out of her face, revealing some rather gentle features for what used to be such a massive blob of flesh and blood. Which is rather bizarre to see. The stark contrast of it all.

Also, I can’t help but notice that the moment my finger touched her hair, the symbol on the woman’s stomach flashed orange and a strange flicker of my Wrath energy went straight into the symbol.

But nothing happens after that, leaving me frowning for a few seconds.

After waiting a bit more, I glance up to see some of the ships beginning to head this way. Likely due to the massive blob not being in their sights anymore.

So I go ahead and pull a cloak out of my storage ring before putting it on the girl. Then I pick her up gently and begin to head over towards the ship Dad’s on with her in my arms.

It doesn’t even take half the trip over there though for the woman to begin moving. Clearly stirring from her state of unconsciousness.

I stop moving and focus on the woman’s face right as she begins to blink her eyes open. Revealing two glowing orange eyes just like the eyes that her abomination form had.

But unlike her eyes in that form, I sense intelligence behind these eyes. And, more importantly, sapience.

She’s not insane anymore.

Guess her Gluttony really was just overwhelming her sanity.

Makes me wonder if it’s possible to save the other Sins who turned into monstrous creatures by doing the same thing.

Then again, may’ve only been possible this time around due to the fact that this woman is Gluttony. And Gluttony energy was using itself to devour any other attack and energy that came into contact with it. Giving me a clear and easy method to reduce her Gluttony energy.

The woman looks up at me as I try to tell apart her age now that her eyes are open and her hair is out of her face entirely. But I’ve never been particularly good at telling how old someone is from their appearance.

Maybe around my age? Possibly a bit younger?

Might even just barely be an adult. She certainly looks youthful, even if she has a rather apathetic look on her face.

“Hello,” I say to her while standing knee-deep in the water and meeting her eyes. “Do you remember anything?”

The woman nods her head without saying anything. Just kinda stares at me without moving.

I stare back for several seconds, waiting to see if she’ll say anything. And when she doesn’t even after fifteen seconds of our staring contest, I ask, “What’s your name?”

She continues staring for a little while before answering in a soft yet slightly monotone voice, “Octavia.”

“Octavia? That’s a nice name,” I tell her, feeling a little awkward as I grasp at words.

Normally people are all too happy striking up conversations with me, considering that I’m a princess. So I’m not really used to this.

Maybe I can just leave her to someone else to take care of.

I turn my head forwards and continue walking towards Dad’s ship. Meanwhile I notice the girl looking down at herself while silently moving her arms up, her gaze focusing on her hands. As if she’s in awe of them being, well, hands.

Wonder if she remembers her time as Gluttony?

That would be sad if it were the case. It’s probably not a fun time to remember.

Not even considering all of the people and creatures she no doubt ate, just being in the form of an abomination isn’t pleasant. I should know, since I’ve been in that form myself once as well. Albeit a slightly different abomination. A more normal one.

Anyways, once I get on the ship, I move over to Dad and begin placing the girl on the ground. Only for her to suddenly wrap her arms around me and hug me tightly while muttering, “No.”

I blink in surprise while glancing at the girl whose head is buried in my shoulder. Then I glance at Dad to find him looking just as confused as I no doubt look.

Uh… what’s happening?


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