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Don't mind this. It's so that free readers can't see half the chapter.


And the hiatus is over. This story is also the next one to get a book released on Amazon, so look forward to binge chapters of it at some point in the next month or two. Just like Undying Magician had recently.

Until then though it's back to once every week ish.

Also, here's the cover image for Eternal Winter's Reign book 2, which I haven't had turned into a cover yet. But the cover image is commissioned from Kart Studio. I will be having the typography/cover design done by germancreative when I get the chance to commission it.


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Alexander North

My earlier realization that the eternal winter is gone from the area right now is confirmed at the sight of the skies beyond the tunnel. Far beyond the tunnel. Meanwhile the soldiers all jump down one by one on ropes. With a couple war mechs that I actually don’t recognize jumping in after them.

Huh. Those things are barely ever used.

War mechs are large machines controlled by a symbiont by using some of the symbiont’s power to move it. They’re in the form of large robots spanning at least five meters in height with blades as arms. Kind of similar to the elite wraiths actually.

Guess they got those working with cold energy somehow. I heard they were having problems with them due to the opposing energy in the symbionts.

That aside, everyone forms a large circle around me before someone who I don’t recognize jumps down after everyone else is already inside. Someone who is wearing an insignia that clearly represents a lieutenant colonel. And he doesn’t have any sort of helmet on revealing his face to everyone here.

The lieutenant colonel is wearing standard armor and has white hair with blue ring eyes. But what stands out most from him is the wings made of ice on his back.

Interesting. A mutant.

This must be the leader of Beta Base. The Tier 3 Symbiont Host turned mutant.

I can’t judge his exact strength though. Not with that sapient frozen one’s energy still filling the room.

And speaking of that frozen one, I return my focus to her to find the creature frowning. Clearly unhappy with this turn of events.

Then she just sighs and points at us, making the elite wraiths immediately surge forwards to attack. Meanwhile the soldiers all open fire on the frozen ones. Proving to have a much easier time here outside of the eternal winter than they would’ve had inside of it.

They still take a lot of casualties with the first blows though, since they are still just Tier 2 Symbiont Host soldiers.

I rush forwards, tearing the throats out of a few elite wraiths on the way until I make it to one of the serpents the moment it bursts out of the wall towards the soldiers. And I immediately send arcs of cold energy at the thing in various locations while it’s soaring through the air. Some aimed at its head, some the part connecting its head, others at its eyes, and others its mouth. But the only ones that do any damage are those that hit its eyes. Since it closes its mouth to block the one heading there, and while it tries to close its eyes, it doesn’t help much.

The ones that attack its outer hide though don’t do anything.

Looks like my cold energy won’t do much against the serpent. I wish I could tell how powerful it is.

There isn’t much of a way to tell. Not with the sapient frozen one here with her energy coating the cavern.

When the thing crashes into me though – with its mouth still closed due to my arcs of energy – I quickly find that it is stronger than me physically as I’m sent flying backwards. Straight through a bunch of soldiers and elite wraiths.

The elite wraiths are all twisted and badly hurt from my little trip, but surprisingly, the soldiers aren’t. Likely due to their armor activating at the last minute.

Then the serpent ignores all of the soldiers and slithers right towards me, with the other serpent turning its attention to me as well.

Leaving me in a rather unpleasant situation.

My eyes narrow as I turn from one serpent to another, briefly ignoring the soldiers and only keeping an eye on the elite wraiths. Just in case they turn their attention to me.

Right as I’m trying to figure out how to deal with the serpents though, the two mechs rush forwards and clash, each with one serpent apiece.

About time they joined the fray.

I quickly begin to deal with some of the elite wraiths near me to help out the soldiers. And after enough of them have been trimmed down, I help one of the mechs with a serpent. Jumping on and grabbing onto its lower tail while it’s bashing its head against the mech. Then I yank my arm back and stab it straight down into the serpent, digging through its scales with my own claws at the overlayed point between scales.

The serpent lets out a screech, only for the mech to take advantage of the screech to stab its blade into the roof of its mouth. Making the serpent drop down, losing all of its strength in that one blow.

And one serpent down.

I rip my hand back out of the serpent’s back before jumping off and landing on the floor of the cavern. Then I glance at the mech that is currently rushing over to help the other mech with the other serpent. A fight that won’t take long with two mechs fighting against it.

So I focus my attention once more on the sapient frozen one. Only to frown when I find her watching me with curiosity. Not even sparing the lieutenant colonel a glance as he makes a fool of himself trying to fight her with both cold energy abilities like creating shards of ice that he launches at her and using his own sword to fight. But she just blocks them all with her damned fingers.

And it’s obvious that she is toying with him. She’s just grabbing his sword with her index finger and thumb before moving it away.

She isn’t breaking the sword, nor is she trying to throw his sword out of his reach.

It’s like she’s waiting for me. Despite all of her frozen one forces dying off.

That’s not a good sign.

I immediately begin to run over there before stopping when I break out away from the other soldiers and frozen ones. But her gaze follows me the entire way.

All the way till I find myself standing in front of her.

“Done playing around?” she asks while tilting her head slightly, her fingers finally pinching the blade and not letting it go. “Then let’s begin again.”


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