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High in the air nearby the Valley
Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

Adalwolf begins to cackle in absolute joy after seeing the battle. He’s been growing far too bored over the years, and not only did this battle spice things up for his successor, but it proved entertaining for the king as well.

Enough so that he thinks he’ll actually do it.

But before that, he watches the aftermath of the battle. As the forces belonging to both his successor and the Crimson Baron gather all of the equipment of the fallen and the now-ashen undead. As they gather together the enemy forces and bring them in for indentured servitude until the war prisoners pay off their service. And as they clean up any remains of traps and the like on the battlefield.

All while Adalwolf’s successor simply sits on a cliff’s ledge watching everything with his glowing crimson eyes in the night. The black veins on his face seemingly refusing to fade away.

Wonder if that’s because of his mental state? A mental state piqued by this battle.

Regardless of what it is, Adalwolf finds his curiosity piqued. Since it appears his natural bloodlust’s resting state has increased a small amount from the battle.

There are several different reasons he can think of for it, but the one that stands out the most is how he entered a frenzy during the war.

A frenzy where he lost a large amount of his reason and just killed. Drinking the blood of those he killed in the process and slaughtering thousands.

Then, to his further surprise, his successor’s face finally begins to return to normal. With the black veins receding at last.

Adalwolf watches his successor for another hour or so before finally flying higher into the sky. Deciding that there isn’t much else to see here.

But he pauses not long after beginning to leave as he thinks of the destruction affinity magician. That viscountess he’s seen causing endless trouble all around his kingdom.

Destruction magic… may be interesting to study.

He turns his gaze towards the direction she left and stares for a little while. Then he turns his entire body into miasma and blitzes through the sky. Soon passing straight through the barrier he has around the Kingdom of the Fallen, then past the skies of the Republic, all the way till he arrives at his destination in the Barren Pass.

The Class S death magician ignores the monsters filling the Pass as he heads straight into the air ducts leading into the base he finds deep within the Pass. Having skipped straight by the battle he sensed ongoing somewhere in the sea above the Pass. A battle he knows includes the doctor of whom owns this base.

Adalwolf continues through the vents of the base, shattering one protection and detection spell after another until he finally leaves the vents and reforms himself right outside of a room within the base. And without pause, he steps forwards and destroys the door to the room, not bothering with opening it. Startling the two people on the other side of the door. Both of whom appear to be in their early fifties. And both appear similar to Nathan, except without the crimson eyes he has.

“I’m taking you out of here,” Adalwolf tells them both before snapping his fingers, making a sphere of death mana appear around them.

Then he quickly begins to break straight through the ceiling of the base, through the ground past it, and out into the open once more.

He did such a good job back there I might as well save his family. But he won’t be getting them back so easily.

A faint smirk stretches across his face while he flies up into the air with the two humans in tow.

The boy needs a source of motivation to work after all.

The skeleton begins to cackle at that again, making the two people he’s bringing along with him shiver in fear while clutching at each other. But despite their fear and his not asking for their permission, neither of them are harmed by the death mana around them. And they notice it.

So neither of them make a sound as they fly through the air.

Adalwolf continues flying straight past the sea, through the Republic, and towards the Kingdom of the Fallen once again. Then he moves through his kingdom, making sure to go a route far away from his successor to make sure he doesn’t even have a chance of noticing him, before he finally arrives at his treant again.

The king moves with purpose through his dark treant, bringing the orb of death mana along with him with it floating over his shoulder. Until he reaches a single suite of rooms within the treant. One furnished with luxurious furnishings and filled with food and water.

After checking the place one last time, he moves the orb to the ground within the room and pops the sphere, sending his successors biological parents sprawling onto the ground.

“Stay here and you will be freed when your son is strong enough to free you himself,” Adalwolf tells them before stepping back and raising a wall of death mana all around the suite. And at the same time, the treant they’re in seals off the entrance to the suite, allowing nothing but air to pass inside.

Adalwolf wipes his bony hands despite not needing to before heading off towards his own lab.

Now I won’t have to worry about him losing his sanity due to his parents being killed.

The king nods his head with satisfaction at that without pausing in his path towards the lab.

But as he walks, he briefly focuses his senses on the Outer Ring of his kingdom. Where the higher ranking nobles dwell.

And where he finds them all plotting. Each and every one, from the lowest ranks to the highest.

Some plotting to work together with their new prince, others plotting to capture him.

And the sight pleases the king to no end.


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