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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

Crimson looks at me after barking out a couple more orders. And the look in his eyes honestly sends a slight chill down my spine as he stares at the death flames still licking at my shoulder from Incendia.

Incendia ignores the gaze though.

After a second, he looks at the tied up magician and answers my question, “I dislike being wasteful.”

I stare at him for a second, expecting more to his answer. But he doesn’t continue.

Oh. So he’s back to that stoic persona.

Probably because the battle is over, and the barons are dealt with. His excitement has most likely gone away.

That’s for the best. I’ve grown to understand that this guy is disturbing when excited.

I open my mouth to say something, only for a shiver to run down my spine from somewhere else. One so strong that it has me instantly closing my mouth and jumping far backwards.

Then a wave of crimson and black destructive energy washes over where we were just standing. And when I raise my head, I find that insane lady floating in the air on top of a completely silent wave of that same destructive energy.

“Rachel,” I state while frowning. “What are you doing?”

She smiles and waves at me as the flood of crimson and black energy that I understand to be pure destruction magic slowly fades. Revealing an unharmed Crimson in the middle of it currently glaring up at her.

“Viscountess Rachel Blake, I see you’ve taken an interest as well,” he says, his glare not softening even a little bit. Then he turns to look at me and says, “I feel sorry for you.”

And without another word, the man begins to walk away, leaving behind the dead ground where the poison magician was just at mere moments ago. Where nothing is currently at now.

The poison magician was completely erased by her destruction magic. Along with the soldiers tying him up and the chains.

Everything. Just gone.

Destruction magic really is powerful.

A quick grin spreads across her face before she waves her hands, making spell circles form in front of her that spew out bolts of destruction magic straight towards my armies. But I jump forwards at the same time as Incendia leaps off of my shoulder, the two of us blocking the attacks that were clearly directed at my forces. Trying to kill my soldiers and magicians.

She laughs at that and then quickly begins to leave.

Damnit, she really will be a fucking pain to deal with.

Judging by her actions here along with what Crimson said, she really is insane. Just like most of the intel I’ve gotten said.

She can’t be trusted in the slightest.

Not one bit.

She does whatever interests her at the time and has absolutely zero interest in consequences.

As if they just don’t exist.

Clearly why she’s so happy attacking me after helping me not too long ago.

It’s why I never considered her even so much as a potential ally.

I glare at her retreating back while landing back on solid ground again. But she doesn’t pay any attention to me. Nor to the soldiers belonging to me shooting at her.

Crimson’s forces are just dealing with the surviving barons’ forces.

Our agreement was that he would deal with the aftermath of the war, and I’d give him the territory of that poison magician baron. Since his territory is away from the border. Same with the illusion affinity baroness.

Meanwhile I would get the territory bordering the inner ring belonging to the metal and soul affinity baron and baroness.

I let out a sigh before turning around, deciding not to waste time with the insane basket case right now.

Actually, I do have a bit of a plan to deal with her, but it’ll take some time. And it’ll depend on the skeleton’s temper.

Because I’m sure she’d attack the skeleton if I can manipulate her into doing so. Since she doesn’t care about consequences.

Then I can just have the skeleton deal with that little problem.

He might even be interested in examining destruction magic.

Not exactly a common affinity after all.

So I begin sprinting back towards my side of the valley before meeting up with the general. Soon finding the man already barking out orders to the soldiers for post-war affairs.

“You know what you need to do?” I ask him just to make sure after seeing that he’s already figured out the war is over. And after he nods his head, I give a faint smile, startling everyone nearby before I start heading to a nearby cliff to watch everything.

Mostly to make sure that Crimson doesn’t end up betraying me in the end.

I doubt he will, but just in case. It’s best to make absolutely certain.

Would rather waste some time sitting around watching than let my forces get killed just because I left too soon.

Not to mention Rachel being nearby. I wouldn’t let her anywhere near my forces without me being nearby.

Even with me nearby she tried killing a bunch of them on a whim.

We only blocked her hits by taking the blows ourselves. Because even if we tried using spells to block them, I’m sure they would’ve pierced straight through and then blasted my forces.

I rest my elbows on my legs while dangling my legs over the ledge of the cliff and looking out over all of the forces from both my side and Crimson’s. Not to mention the captured forces from the dead barons and baronesses, and the still fleeing soldiers and magicians as well.

After this there’re still a couple problems to deal with.

The only people I’ve been fighting so far have been barons and baronesses. The lowest ranks amongst the nobility.

And while their noble rank doesn’t match their Class as a magician, it does match their territory and overall power. Specifically with different sized forces of soldiers and magicians.

Up till now they haven’t paid much of any attention to me. With them at least respecting my technical status as the prince of the Kingdom of the Fallen.

But now that I’ve killed so many nobles, I can’t see them standing on the sidelines anymore.

Not to mention the Katie’s father.

I haven’t interacted with the nature magician who joined my ranks a while back much, but Claire says she’s doing well. And I wouldn’t be surprised if her father, one of the dukes, finally takes action as well.

Overall, this is going to be interesting to see how things develop from here.


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