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Don't mind this. It's so that free readers can't see half the chapter.


I changed a lot of chapter 38 since it came across differently from how I wanted it to. The one introducing the destruction affinity magician.

First changed the destruction magician's name to Rachel, also removed the romantic feelings she had and just made her an insane psychopath. One who occasionally helps and occasionally hurts Nathan. A wild card in the Kingdom of the Fallen.

You'd have to reread the chapter to see all of the changes since it's the entire chapter pretty much.


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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

As I’m running, I grab a bottle of blood and down the thing, ignoring the flavor that fills my mouth in the process. Not to mention the invigorating feeling I get from it.

And right after doing so, I feel my speed increasing two-fold. Making me move across the valley at breakneck speeds. Speeds almost to the point of being nothing but a blur to human eyes.

My boost from the blood doesn’t last for long since it’s not fresh blood though. So as soon as I reach the other side of the valley, I jump straight to the halfway point of the cliff. Then I quickly climb up the rest of the way and target the closest soldier who is not wearing Crimson’s symbol.

The soldier lets out a short shout before I cover his mouth and begin drinking blood right from his throat. And as soon as I get my fill, I snap his neck and move on to the next one, snapping necks and ripping out hearts left and right. Only occasionally being blocked by a powerful barrier before I move around it or change directions.

And it doesn’t take long for my actions to get the attention of the higher ups amongst their forces.

But they aren’t much of a problem right now since most are already busy fighting either my own forces or Crimson’s forces. With the poison magician baron fighting against Baron Crimson himself in a rather destructive display several kilometers away down near a fortress.

Slaughtering more than a few of their own soldiers in the process.

To the point that a lot of their forces are moving far away from them.

I continue my own slaughter, killing one enemy soldier after another along with any magician I can get my claws on. Because the fewer magicians they have, the greater the chances of our victory will be.

Even the two fighting barons are avoiding taking out their own magicians at least, regardless of their uncaring attitude towards their soldiers.

It doesn’t take me long to enter a frenzy, killing every single soldier I see who isn’t marked with Crimson’s mark. Completely losing control of myself for the very first time since becoming a vampire.

Just slaughtering the humans without a care. With nothing but red in my vision.

Until I feel a powerful force impacting me in the side, sending me flying straight through a bunch of people with a grunt. Only to end up slamming into one of the fortresses nearby. A different one than the one Crimson is fighting at.

I blink in confusion, having snapped out of my frenzy. Then I climb to my feet with the limited damage I took already reverted, the rubble on me falling off in the process of me standing as I look around.

It doesn’t take very long to find the source of the attack. Partially due to the army of undead beginning to head towards me from every direction, and partially due to the woman floating in the air on top of a black and white magic circle.

Baroness Elara Nightshade.

The necromancer on their side who’s been raising all of these undead.

Rather annoying if you ask me.

She doesn’t look particularly happy about me either though. And when I look past her at the carnage I dealt out – which happens to be in the middle of her forces in particular – I can understand why.

Yeah, I did deal quite the blow to her military.

I return my attention to her to see her hands twitching in anger.

Interesting. From what I’ve heard, she’s usually rather carefree and annoying in her actions and speech.

But she’s silent right now and looks pissed as hell.

Is that just how she is when she’s mad? Silent as a mouse?

Looks like it, as she spreads both arms out and begins making multiple spell circles form around her. Each of which have that same black and white glow.

I watch for a few seconds as what look like phantom arms stretch out of the spell circles and towards me. And when they reach me, I try to punch at one without much care. Since I don’t have any magic and they’re clearly faster than I am.

But my fist flies straight through it. Then the phantom hand wraps its fingers around me and begins squeezing, proving that despite me not being able to touch it, it can certainly touch me.

Annoying, but not really a problem.

She floats closer and casts another spell. This one having the spell circle spanning a rather vast distance with the two of us being at the center.

Her eyes begin to glow a faint white as she meets my own, and I quickly realize what she’s trying to do.

Then a burning sensation spreads across my entire body as I barely stop myself from screaming out loud.

Time blinks as her soul targeting spell – no idea what it’s trying to do – attacks me. But eventually, the pain fades, leaving me collapsing on the ground while panting despite not having any actual damage done to me.

Fucking soul magic.

I climb to my feet and glare at the shocked woman.

Not sure if she just didn’t know soul magic doesn’t work on me, or if she just didn’t fully believe it due to how unbelievable it is.

Doesn’t really matter though.

I take advantage of her shock to quickly pull out my rifle, raise it up, and shoot straight at her.

She hastily puts up a barrier, but even with her being Class B, she only manages a half-barrier. One that is shattered by my bullet before my shot strikes her directly in the shoulder. The woman having managed to move ever so slightly out of the line of my shot in the instant her barrier spared her.

Not a bad reaction speed.

Then again, she’s Class B after all.

I fire again as she tries to flee, but this time she’s managed to cast a wide range barrier, blocking my view of her completely. And my shot.

And since I don’t have any mana left, I can’t empower my shot to break through this one.


Guess I’ll have to get up close and personal.

I put my rifle in my storage and draw both of my swords before quickly climbing up the fortress wall.

Time to play chase.


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