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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

I begin to make my way back towards the Inner Ring side of the valley while keeping an eye on the aftermath of my spell. Just to make absolutely certain that the man is dead. And after it fully clears up, I find the cliffside completely ripped apart. Leaving not a single thing behind.


That’s two of the four enemy barons dealt with.

I glance up at the other side of the valley as I run towards my forces. Trying to reach them so that I can support them with barrier spells.

Since death flame barrier spells work quite well as I’ve come to learn.

“Go ahead of me,” I tell Incendia, and she quickly jumps off of my shoulder and begins flying towards the cliff. Then she starts casting death flame barrier spells ahead of me to block both bullets and incoming spells.

They’re especially good against bullets as I’ve learned. Because the bullets are all devoured entirely before reaching the other side of the barrier. Even if they do break through.

I grit my teeth as I run across the valley until I reach the cliff. Then I climb up to the top and quickly move over towards the general of my forces who is barking out orders like a madman.

Once he sees me he immediately stops and shouts in question, “My King, how did it go?!”

I give him a thumbs up before getting close enough to speak and saying, “Two of the barons are dead. The necromancer and the poison magician are all that remains. And Crimson is having a blast killing his former allies.”

Which doesn’t speak well of his character, but I can’t really say anything on that since he betrayed them to help me. So whatever.

Incendia said that he was telling the truth when he said why he was helping us. So he genuinely does want to see how far I can get in fire magic.

Although he also apparently mentioned later on that he wanted to learn about my death flames, even if he couldn’t use them. But I haven’t taught him any so far.

And a phoenix can detect lies perfectly. Something to do with them being mythical creatures.

Which is very helpful.

“Good,” the general says, turning his gaze towards the other cliff as more explosions ring out. Many of which come from attack originating on the other cliff. Attacks by Baron Crimson’s forces. “It certainly looks like they’re keeping them busy. And the explosives around the cliffside took out the artillery, just like he said.”

“Yeah,” I state while raising both of my hands and sending spell circles out to make barriers every time movement is detected in the air heading towards us. The barriers will activate on their own after the movement is detected a certain distance away from the barrier’s position, drain a portion of my mana, and set up the barrier to block the attacks.

They’re also designed to try to minimalize the mana I spend too. Simply by making the barriers cover less area while using the size of the projectile determine the size of the barriers.

I’m pretty proud of the spell. Even if it was one that the skeleton helped me design.

“Casualties?” I ask without taking my gaze away from my spell and the spell circles. Trying to make absolutely certain that no defects enter the spell.

“Out of the ten thousand one hundred and eleven forces under your command, two hundred and ten have died thus far,” Benjamin answers, sounding rather impressed by those numbers.

And I understand that perfectly.

While two hundred and ten deaths are a lot, it’s the middle of a battle. One where the enemy forces have at least two hundred thousand.

So just two hundred and ten casualties in a war of this scale is astonishing at this point.

“The number of casualties should decrease now that Incendia and I are here,” I state without looking back at him as I briefly glance away from my spell to look at Incendia running her own exact same spell. But hers is covering the other half of the cliff, far from here.

I return my attention to my spell again as dozens of small walls of death flames appear, devouring the bullets and spells sent our way. But some of the spells break past my barrier. The magicians amongst my forces block it with a barrier of their own though, so it doesn’t do much of any damage. And there aren’t any deaths from the spells that break through.

In addition to that, my spell doesn’t shatter just from one barrier breaking. Although it does cost me more mana to replace that barrier, since the spell works on making a wall of inactive barriers that are set to active when the projectiles get close.

And one barrier breaking destroys it completely and requires it to be recreated.

Unfortunately, in a battle of this many mages on both sides, a Class C magician like me is nothing but a basic fighter in the war.

At least, in terms of magic.

My eyes narrow as my barriers counter one spell after another bullet. Slowly draining down my mana reserves until – thanks to the explosion from before – I run completely out of mana.

Then I lower my hands and quietly tell my general, “It’s time for the next phase.”

Benjamin pauses for a moment as my barriers in the sky all shatter and my spell circles vanish. Then he says, “Understood, My King. We will continue our work here.”

I nod my head without turning to face him.

My bloodlust slowly returns as my eyes flare a glowing crimson and black veins start to stretch out of my eyes across my face.

I may just be a regular every day fighter in a war of magicians, albeit one that can’t die, but when it comes to close combat…

Without hesitation, I jump down from the cliff and begin sprinting towards the other cliff across the valley.

…no human fights like a vampire.


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