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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

A few seconds of silence pass after the horn is blown, following which a loud voice echoes out across the entire ravine. Saying exactly what I’m expecting it to say.

“Undying Magician! According to the Fifth Article of the War Declaration of the Kingdom of the Fallen, you are hereby asked to bring up to two advisors with you as you meet with our delegates within the center of the ravine. Please search for the flag raised high within the ravine and arrive within three hours. Failure to comply will result in direct open fire on all your forces.”

There it is.

I glance at the general beside me before nodding my head and jumping right off of the cliff to land on broken legs that quickly revert to normal. Then Incendia lands on my shoulder and we begin to head in the direction of the marked location. A location that’s not hard to miss considering the significant height of that flag stretching far into the air.

Their strategy is a rather complicated one and I’m honestly quite impressed that these nobles are all willing to work together for this. But it won’t succeed.

Not unless I’m betrayed, that is. Then things won’t go so smoothly.

Even then though, it should be fine. Probably.

I continue walking forwards until I leave the tree line and enter the large clearing within which a single table is set up with a canopy above it and a large flag. Meanwhile next to the table are three people, all of whom are nobles from the enemy forces.

My eyes glance at Baron Crimson before focusing on Baron Cavendish. The man who is spearheading this whole ‘capture the immortal magician’ hunt.

He’s still wearing that same golden armor clearly belonging to the old Republic. He has light gray hair, a very gruff looking appearance, and appears to be in his sixties.

Also, he doesn’t seem to be very happy. For obvious reasons.

After him I turn to look at the third person in their group. The illusion magician.

She has long blond hair and pale skin, with an appearance of a young girl who has never worked for a moment in her life. But I know that it’s just an illusion.

I’ve already been warned that she rarely ever reveals her true appearance to anyone. Always has an illusion up over herself, changing her to look different.

And it’s never the same illusion twice either.

Always a different one.

I turn my attention away from the illusion magician as Baron Cavendish motions for the table and says, “Please, have a seat Undying Magician. Let’s chat.”

That has my eyebrow twitching for a moment, but I walk up to the table anyways. Because I might as well hear out what they’re going to say.

And I’m curious as to how Crimson will act here.

So far he hasn’t said a word, just keeping up that stoic façade of his. A façade I can’t help but wonder how long will last.

I refocus on Henry Cavendish as the three barons take their seats with me on the other side of the table from them.

Then Henry gets straight to the point, “I know you’ve worked quite well for this and have gathered a large number of forces. But be real, you have no chance to win, and you know it. So if you surrender now, we will promise to set you free after we either die of old age or we succeed in copying your immortality.” He frowns slightly as he pauses to add, “We would’ve offered you the same benefits Cedric did, but you ruined that chance when you killed Baron Whitmore in your earlier display.”

He goes silent for a few seconds at that before his frown grows a little and he asks, “How about it? Will you consider working with us and surrendering?”

I narrow my eyes at him and answer rather bluntly, “No. I won’t. Is there anything else we need to discuss? Or are we done here?”

None of the three look surprised at that. All they look is disappointed and slightly judgmental. As if they were hoping I’d just make things easy for them.

Or, at least, the illusion and metal affinity magicians look judgmental and disappointed. Crimson keeps up his stoic façade, not showing an ounce of emotion on his face.

“Very well,” Baron Henry Cavendish says with some of his disappointment leaking into his tone. “Then let us decide on terms for the post-war outcome.”

All still going as I expected.

The four of us then begin to hash over details, particularly about each of our own forces should we lose.

In the end, it generally comes down to a rather simple agreement.

Should I be captured, the forces who fought alongside me will be allowed to flee. And should any of the other barons or baronesses die, then their territory will be evenly spread between the surviving barons of this war.

None of them even so much as consider the option of me winning, which has a hint of a smirk stretching across my face as Henry asks, “Is that all?”

“No, we still have terms for one last outcome to set,” I state, making him grow even more judgmental of me. Likely because he already knows where I’m leading this and doesn’t believe it’s necessary or possible.

He can’t just ignore it though.

So I state, “I would like full rights over all of the fallen barons and baronesses lands should I win this war. Their lands, their resources, and everything within. I would also like the barons and baronesses titles to be fully revoked, taking it away from any blood relatives they may have. And I would like this to be written down for your descendants to read after the war.”

Even Baron Val Crimson looks surprised at this, clearly not having guessed at what my terms would be. But he doesn’t say anything, leaving the other two to glare at me.

Neither say a word though. Instead Henry simply says, “Very well.”

Then these terms are added to the contract in between us all. One that is on a special paper and is written down on seven different copies.

Seven because of the two barons who are absent. But it’s obvious that all of these decisions were made by the barons and baronesses beforehand.

Considering how the documents already have their signatures.

The only addition to the contract are my terms.

And to ends things off, the four of us sign the contract. Then we each take a copy.

“The war will begin in two hours,” Henry declares, sending a cold glare at me before he walks away.

I feel the corner of my lips quirking ever so slightly upwards as I turn around and begin walking as well.

But not before seeing the slightest shift from Crimson, pointing towards a particular location on the cliffs.



"A location that’s not hard to miss considering the significant height of that flag" | Surely it would be, "not easy to miss" then, right?