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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 14

After I eventually finish up experimenting for the evening, I go ahead and clean up the miasma in the lab, pull my clothes out of my storage device and put them on, then proceed to open the door to the lab. Exiting the place to find Incendia outside sleeping on a perch I had made for her in my room.

She opens her eyes as I glance around my room – a rather barren place without much furniture or decoration and just a perch for her and a bed for me with a sofa placed somewhere – then I focus on the entrance. Where I find the screen showing the outside of my home’s front door with a rather unpleasant visitor.

Ugh. What’s she doing here?

If there’s one person I hate more than the skeleton, besides the doctor, and besides the barons, and besides… okay, besides a lot of people, it’s this lady. And not because she’s a bad person or anything. She’s just so. Fucking. Annoying.

“Helloooo?! Nathannnn?! I know you’re in theeerrree!!!” Viscountess Isabella Blake says while waving at my camera. And I have half the heart to ignore her.

But I know that if I do that she’ll just disintegrate my door with her destruction magic special affinity.

A rather pesky affinity, but not one that actually affects me in the slightest. Since it can’t trap anyone. Only destroy people.

And it doesn’t work on me. I had her test it out.

Not that it’d be much of a problem, considering how the girl always acts. She’s probably the only noble with a noble title to be expelled to the inner ring by the other nobles collectively. Although not the only noble in the inner ring.

Katie Elmwood for example – that nature affinity magician who started working for me not too long ago – came here of her own accord. The daughter of one of the two dukes ruling the outer ring of the Kingdom of the Fallen. The only Class A amongst the nobles.

Then again, most of the time she just heals people in the Caverns. Not really much of a fighter, that one.

But Isabella… she’s definitely a fighter.

And she has an unhealthy interest in vampires for some reason.

I shiver as I remember when I first met her not long ago. How she showed up when one of the other barons had sent a delegation towards me only for the delegation to end up insulting me in the end. And for her to happen to arrive in front of the Caverns at the time.

Apparently she wasn’t happy with that. So she erased the person from existence with a destruction magic spell.

As for her progress to Class A, she’s even closer to Class A than Baron Val Crimson is.

I think back on that moment again before reclassifying her.

Never mind. Not really a good person after all.

More of a psychopath with two modes to her. If you don’t cross her, she’s a very overly friendly and excitable sort. If you do cross her, she erases you regardless of who you are or what the consequences are.

It’s why I tend to have everyone in the Caverns avoid her like the plague when she arrives.

That said, she practically adores me.

Which is why she’s so annoying.

And she’s very touchy and has no understanding of personal space.

I tried to send her flying with a punch once only to lose my hand though, so I kind of ignore her whenever she comes now. But she wasn’t angry. She was more interested in how my hand regrew afterwards.

Then again, don’t think she’s ever been angry at me before.

Probably a good thing.

No need to go making more powerful enemies after all.

And destruction affinity is rare. She may be the only person alive with it.

She can’t be reliably used in a plan against the other nobles. She’s too unpredictable.

For all I know, she would just stop in the middle of the plan to admire my regeneration.

‘Better go deal with her,’ Incendia says while flapping her wings and moving to land on my shoulder. ‘Don’t want to make your people rebuild your door again.’

“Yeah,” I mutter with a sigh. Then I begin walking through my personal home until I reach the front door and open it with a clearly unamused expression on my face.

“Nathan! You’re here!” Isabella exclaims while spreading her arms out and moving forwards to hug me. But I’m too fast and dodge her, with Incendia jumping off of my shoulder at the same time.

A benefit of being a vampire.

Incendia lands back on my shoulder after I’ve made some distance between me and her.

“What’re you doing here, Isabella?” I ask, feeling exhausted already.

“Do I really need a reason to visit?!” she exclaims while puffing out her cheeks. Despite being about the same age as me and a noble with a perfect level five talent. “And call me Belle!”

“No,” I tell her while crossing my arms and frowning at her. “Why are you here?”

The woman – and I hesitate to call her that considering how other than her figure, nothing about her is like an adult since she acts like a child half the time – puffs her cheeks up even more at my words. She has long black hair with red eyes that show just how far she is in her understanding of the destruction element. Eyes that actually match mine to some extent.

Might even wonder if that might be one of the reasons she’s so interested in me. Other than her obsession with vampires.

She’s been trying to figure out how to turn herself into a vampire apparently. With little success, considering her lack of death magic.

And I guess in her original attempts to get me to turn her into a vampire, she grew to like me for some bizarre reason.

Which has been a real pain.

“Fine, spoil sport,” she says while folding her arms. “I just wanted to tell you that I saw Crimson’s forces preparing to move. That’s all.”

He’s moving already? That was faster than I expected.


I feel myself startled when the girl rushes forwards and gives me a quick hug before rushing away before I can push her off me. Then she just giggles and begins walking away with a carefree stride and her hands held behind her back.

She really is going to be a problem in the future.

But that’s a future problem.

For now she’s being of some help, and I have to start the plan.

I turn around and reenter my home, closing the door behind me.


Aidan Coleman

I think you have some pronoun issues in regard to Isabella. Also wasn’t baron crimson already a class b?

Aidan Coleman

Also loving the story keep it up👍


Please point out the pronoun issues as I can't find them. Not even when I use CTRL+F to search. I had originally made this character a guy but changed them to a girl instead. So I wouldn't be surprised if something was messed up due to that, but I can't find anything. As for the second part? Yes, he is. That was a typo. It was meant to say Class A not B. And it's fixed.