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Starting of by thanking you all for your patience and I hope you can wait a little while longer.
Thanks to Unity shitting the bed last month and a starting Uni I have had trouble working on the game in a way that I find satisfactory for a release. So here is what I have been able to do in the last month.

First off I started using Godot since it is a free engine and I don't have the luxury to go to unreal or another paid software. This means I had to recreate a Tool I have been using for the dialogue of my games. It was actually the main component of Midnight Snack, and it was sadly a unity plugin and well I needed it for my games moving forward. first 3 weeks has been making my tool back to a more standalone thing which I achieved.

The last week has been making the Main Menu and also Doing the UI for the Main Scene of the Game and the animation which I can safely say are underway.

Next month I am hoping to be back to how I was in the first Unity Release if not a bit further beyond. Thank you all again for your patience  and I hope to deliver next time.



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