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FINALLY finished this one after sketching it like 6 months ago ahahaha

RIP 🪦 What’s in your graveyard?




HaHaHa! This is so brilliant 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I guess that makes me a hobby necromancer, because I often go back to the graveyard to dig things up and reanimate for a while.

Steev Hise

that's great. i think saw some piece, i think in the NYT or the Atlantic, recently about how it's healthy to "dabble" and learn new things even if you don't go on to become expert in them. we're conditioned to think we shouldnt do that, that you should only go "all in" or nothing. but it's neurologically a good idea, esp for older folks.


*infinite sobbing*


Every day, I look around my room and leave flowers at the gravesites.


I used to beat myself up about not "sticking with" hobbies. But like Calle said, I often go back and pick something back up for a while. Or sometimes I'll use something I learned from a hobby while I'm doing something else... So now I try to think of it not as I'm failing to "do hobbies right," but rather that my primary hobby is learning new things. :D


Scrapbooking, collaging (hoping that makes a come back), video games, virtual TTRPGs, comics, fashion blogging, yoga, kickboxing, extreme couponing (never got further than hoarding coupons 😂 i was going to do it for fun and donate everything to local shelters), uhhhh. Probably forgetting more 😂


Oh ffs. So so many. Knitting, paper crafting, welding, drawing, every exercise fad.


These are the ones that come to mind- Piano, flute, clarinet, guitar, violin, colouring, crystals, oils, raw foods, meditation, nlp, coaching, spiritual exploration, various religions, baking, sewing, origami, quilling, yoga, feldenkrais, Alexander technique, reflexology, pure maths, psychology, zumba, belly dancing, running, bootcamps, hair colouring, body piercing, Marie kondo (let's be honest, this one was never going to stick 😆), learning Italian- this one resurfaces occasionally. I am certain there are many, many more....


Are you spying on me? It’s like everything you say, is pulled right out of my head. Lol