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You voted, you got it! This table is full of internalized shame from a lifetime of criticism.

Which ones do you recognize from your own life? Did I forget any?




Oof! I feel every single one of these.

Sam Howard

There's also the "You made one small error in a gigantic project that is otherwise great" => "I am a failure"


I feel all of the ones on the right, but as an ADHD parent of an ADHD child, I have to admit I’ve said many of the left. How do I fix myself?!?


“Why can’t you just____?” —>I’m a failure


"Hey, I noticed (metric), what's wrong?" => "This is basic shit. Why the hell are you screwing yourself over?"


“It’s not that hard” hurts so much. I’ve had that constantly in my adult life so far. It is that hard sometimes.


“You said you’d be done this project by ___, do you need more time to finish it?” -> “Why did I trust you with this project anyway?? Jeez!”


One idea: practice dropping the "I'. Replace "What's wrong with me?" to "What's wrong?" to shift your focus to the task at hand. Problem-solving for the actual objective helps you escape the rabbit hole of shame. Thanks again, Dani!


omg, I feel all of these all the time :(


Oh god this was me last uni semester. Massive group design project, which basically forced me to neglect other modules, and was a prolonged nightmare and hellhole. I hate having people depend on me like this.