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There’s nothing wrong with having ADHD, but society’s misunderstanding of the condition often leads to discrimination, stereotyping, and inner shame. The first step to stopping stigma is informing others of what it looks like; so here’s a handy guide! 💖



Josh Neff

This is so great! Thank you for making this!


Aye 😞


Wow, even reading some of these is triggering my FU response 😋 thanks for putting this together, it's perfect!

Julia Mono

Oh dear this is just it. I heard every argument in that picture and I am not even diagnosed. Thanks for sharing this. ...

Becca D❤️

I once had a coworker tell me they had to read documents aloud because some of their visitors/clients couldn't read, like those with ADD. She didn't know I have ADHD, & after that comment I never said a word about my ADHD until well after she had retired.


Well, this is one of your very best - I’m putting it straight into my public domain!


Also, well done, thank you for taking time to help us. Not easy just now I’m guessing. So, very big thanks 🌈🌈🌈


This is so well done. :-)


Agreed! Thank you!!


This is so very good. The very last one is loaded. It's helpful to have someone close and TRUSTED to be able to ask if you've taken your meds. I have a "safe" friend agreement. We look out for each other's mental health. If we suspect something is off, we have advanced permission to ask or suggest it might be time to check in with the doc. Now is some random person is asking to be a jerk, well, woe be unto that person when I'm done with them.


Fantastic! The meds question drives me craziest because it arises almost exclusively during times of disagreement or conflict with family members.