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Feeding myself is a daily struggle. Does anyone else go through a similar thought process?




This is so on the money. My husband once asked - why do we always have 2 pizzas? I didn't have an answer other than "I always do?" Annnnd this makes so much sense! We also have "order of operations discussions" now. He'll offer to help cook dinner (since I am struggling) and ask "What can I do?" Nearly every time it's "Take out the trash." or "Unload the diswasher." Neither of which on the surface seems to have anything to do with cooking. But him helping always leads to dinner getting done without me having a breakdown.


Yes, but it doesn't end at the "frozen pizza" box. Mine changes that one to "Do you have anything at home you want to eat?" and the "no" option goes to "This is too much work, I'll eat later."


I feel this. Though, additional branch/hack to this I've recently figured out works for me is that I've signed up for one of those meal kit delivery subscriptions. I know that I'm getting 3 dinners worth of ingredients on a Monday and I get to select what they will be ahead of time ( I've totally started looking for "tells" that some recipes aren't good matches for me beyond just the food... Like how many pots& pans they use or how much prep or how long they take). Anyway, the stuff shows up separated into separate bags for each meal so I don't spin my wheels figuring out what I need for what etc and it's all in the right portion so I don't end up with excess ingredients going moldy in the fridge because they only can get bought at the store in large sizes. And each one has a separate instruction sheet with a big picture on the front. This all also had trickled down to making my grocery shopping easier as now I don't shop for dinner items so can focus on lunch and breakfast stuff only ( and of course some fall back standards like frozen pizzas, burritos, or pasta). It's so nice not to have to think about what I might make for dinner, what I'd have to get to make that, and what else is involved. I think a big part of why I've liked this is that the instruction sheet talks about everything you'll need ( paper towels! Medium bowl! Large pan!) not just ingredients like on a traditional recipe card.


I added 'make leftovers fried rice' to the far right box so that I can still cook if I reach that point but don't have raw ingredients. It's helped the anxiety a lot.

Josh Neff

NAILED IT. Especially since I've been working from home. There have been a lot of nights where frozen pizza or canned soup was the dinner menu because my kitchen was an absolute wreck and I didn't have the energy to do anything about it.


When I had fantasies of being on Masterchef (LOL) and was hyperfocussed on cooking it wasn’t an issue but nowadays, this chart is accurate.


Accurate! Except we actually like cold cereal for dinner better than frozen pizza. True confession.


Pretty much this. I often NOPE out of "do I want to eat this?" at the end, looping back up the tree again. And again.


Moldy leftovers is too real 😭😭😭😭 “but I JUST made that” *realizes its been 2 weeks and I’m time blind*


this flowchart is everything. I went to CBT for 18mths to deal with a variety of things but 1 was the procrastination of clearing the kitchen to cook and meal planning. 5 years later still struggle with the right side of that chart but GP won't refer me for diagnosis.


I have so much trouble with unloading the dishwasher. Putting things in the dishwasher is fine (though my partner just stacks things up in the sink, and once the sink fills up, it’s as overwhelming to clear as the dishwasher). I think the thing is that putting stuff into the dishwasher is incremental and provides immediate value: more space, and dirty things are out of sight. Doesn’t matter if the dishwasher isn’t ready to run yet, the dishes can hang out in there until we fill it up. Unloading though... to my brain, it’s only useful when it’s completed, because completing the unload means I can start using the dishwasher to stash dirty dishes in again. So it’s a big effort and not something I can do little-by-little, so stall out, and the dishes pile up, and then I can’t do anything.


Do you sell prints anywhere? Because I would love to post this up in my kitchen


If it wasn't for my husband doing the cooking, I think I'd live on 2 minute noodles.


This is so extremely true! The hard part is making sure I actually have groceries, the cooking part is usually ok if my kitchen is clean enough.


Also I would LOVE a print of this, second that! I think a lot of folks would buy your prints if available - it worked out really well for XKCD (if you’re nerdy enough to know what that is).