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I've been working on being more conscious of how I write emails, and made this handy printable guide!

I have a bad habit of overusing exclamation points, emojis, and qualifiers like "just" and "possibly" to sound extra-friendly and non-threatening in emails. (“Just wondering / just confirming / just checking / just making sure / just wanted to let you know”)

You are allowed to take up space. Your voice deserves to be heard. Your opinions matter. You don’t need to apologize for existing or asking for what you need. You are not “bossy” or “bitchy” for not sounding like a pep-machine 24/7.

If you act like a doormat, you better develop a taste for shoe leather. You have power too. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself— no one else is gonna do it for you.




This is gonna sound like a joke but do you have any huge prints available of this


Dani, this is so great. I’m working real hard on my overuse of passive voice.


Hello Dani. This looks great and good but hardly reachable. I'm 63 years, with ADD (no H) diagnosed 3 years ago, when my eldest daughter got her diagnosis. In spite of being a medical doctor specialised in addictology, i.e. management of addictions, mainly alcohol, I have been struggling continuously against the typical ADD difficulties. Among them, an inner voice has been telling me that I was useless, incompetent, slow, etc. As a consequence, just voicing opinions to colleagues has required significant strength. Telling people 'stand up for yourself, you deserve it' is a bit like saying 'stop procrastinating, it's that simple'. Anyway, I'm working on it. Thanks for all your drawings and posts. It's encouraging.


Dani, this is wonderful, and I would like to share it. Is there some way I can pay to use the image (for example, in slides for talks to students or on Facebook)? Thank you!


Sure thing, I've had a few people ask me the same! My e-mails dani@adhddd.com if you'd like to reach out :)


Nice, this I need ....