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Money management is something I've struggled with for years. The impulsive purchases, fast food, and difficulty sticking to a budget are costly. Toss in a bit of forgetfulness, procrastination, and avoidance-- and the bill can add up before I know it.

Things I wanted to add but wouldn't fit:

  • Tupperware ruined by moldy food I threw away instead of cleaning
  • Car repair after procrastinating getting an oil change for 2 years
  • Socks/sunglasses/gloves that I somehow lose constantly
  • Subscriptions I signed up for and forgot about completely (cough, Audible)
  • Things I saw in the dollar section and just HAD to have
  • Amazon rabbit hole
  • Underwear I bought because I've been avoiding laundry for weeks

P.S. These costs all come from my direct experiences for the majority of my life. However, I'm happy to report that I actually have managed to get a decent hold of my finances the last couple of months (Eee!). The Financial Diet is an awesome/entertaining YouTube channel whose tagline is "We talk about money because we know you don't want to." I watch their videos every morning while I'm drinking coffee/attempting to wake up!




*stares at the new microphone I have because I missed the return window for something I bought and could only exchange it* 😬


Literally that one is my LIFE. I did the whole thing and had almost posted it earlier but realized I forgot the "waited too long and the receipt expired" one so I went back in and re-edited it and spent 45 minutes fixing the layout but WORTH IT xD


My Kindle Unlimited subscription that I forgot I had for a year and a half...


I spent a lot of money in my last relationship because I felt like I had to compensate for my flaws like... Paying for dinner any time I burnt the cooking or paying for a cleaner rather than splitting it because I was the messier one. Fortunately, I'm with a much more understanding person now. 😊 Still have all the other spending issues on the list though. X


Painfully funny and so true, *sigh*. Great graphic and post. You are nailing it.

