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I love listening to audiobooks or podcasts while cleaning, driving, or going on a walk... But I will never for the life of me understand how others are able to listen to podcasts at work!

My concentration only has one input/output and is not capable of handling both 🙈




Ive never fully understood the notion of multi-tasking. From a base-personal level it has never been a thing for me but then from a professional level as someone that works in Project Management there is scientifically nearly no such thing unless the two things you are doing is something like running and listening or walking and chewing gum. What most people think of as multi-tasking is really just what experts in the field call Task Switching. People that are good at 'multitasking' are almost always just rapidly switching their attention between several tasks. There are a ton of studies and books (of expectdly varying quality) that talk about this. Sorry for what might seem like a 'mansplain' but this is something that touches my life both personally because of ADD but also professionally as a someone that makes his living helping other people better manage their projects (yes the ironies abound.) :-)