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I’m going to start posting my journal prompts/quotes/entries! Here’s prompt #1 that got my started on my whole journaling journey. I’ll include most of my actual entries (even though they’re obviously personal) so you can see how I responded.

If you’d like, I’d really recommend finding a space to write down the prompts and answer these questions for yourself. If you have any kind of revelations or insights you’d like to share, I’d love to read them in the comments! 💕




I've never really tried journaling for any extended period of time... mostly because I didn't want to write just about myself with no provocation. Maybe prompts are the way to go.


As someone who has tried and “failed” at journaling about 15 times, I can tell you with certainty that it makes it SO much easier. And more productive. I don’t really care that much about what happened every day. Doing prompts has helped me figure out some of my shit. It feels less like a diary and more like self-reflection therapy.