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Do your guys’ phones look like this too? I now turn off notifications so I don’t get red bubble overwhelm / constant pings, but for some reason I can NEVER stay on top of the constant notifications, even when I’m procrastinating. At least, for things that aren’t social media.

Do you clear your red bubbles? Or do they pile up?




This is the first one that wasn’t a match for me personally. I actually get more anxious when they aren’t cleared.


Yeah this is what mine used to look like. I’ve turned off all notifications except for texts and emails, and that helps a lot


Yeah establishing a pattern of turning off or minimising the amount of notifications every time I come across a new app or device has been a super important part of my management of symptoms post-diagnosis. I HATE the red bubbles because they're so compelling and become inevitable interruptions.


Yeah, i turn off all non-essential notifications too, for all the reasons yall have mentioned ^_^ Anything i need to get notified for - eg twitter DMs, posts here on patreon, that kinda thing for places i don't regularly check - i change the settings so i'm emailed rather than have the app notify me. It's much easier for me to deal with! Something about having them all in one place, i think.


I have 1324 unread emails, 51 unread work email, I opened 2 other personal emails to escape the pile from my main email and I turned off the notifications from most of my other apps😑. I also have 110 voicemail messages, and 1 very persistent iPhone system update.


I'll turn the badge off it it shows up too often. It's primarily game apps though. >_>


I struggle a lot in between. Like I want the notifications to water my plants but the pile up is insane and then I turn off notifications for everything because o v e r w h e l m e d


It makes me more anxious to see the bubbles, and when I shut them off, I worry. Somehow I found a happy medium of which apps are allowed to notify and which aren’t. Even then I can’t stand to have the bubble. It nags at me and I have to clear it. Sometimes clearing the bubble forces me to respond to ppl because they’ll see the “read receipts” and then I’ll feel like they’ll be mad at me if don’t respond after I’ve read.