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updated a couple of things, off the top of my head:

  • music starts muted because I hate it.
  • physics should be a bit better, not as crazy
  • particles on merging
  • arrows on bust up
  • time stops a bit during bust up
  • normal mode requires 2 orbs to reach the next bust up, easy mode still only requires 1
  • maybe there was something else but I can't recall

anyways, I'm pretty much done with this game, unless there's something major that needs to be fixed with this new update. this was mostly intended to be sorta like a gamejam over a weekend kinda dev project just to see if I could make the fruit game. I will return to focusing on Dungeon now. I also might upload this whole project on Github if people want to mess around with it, I'll make a post if I do.

thanks for all the support!




Does the game work on mobile and if not are there any plans to


no real plans for that, I don't like developing for mobile because of all of the extra hassle just to get it to run on phones.


Amazing work overall. Also, it's a small detail, but I love how there are control buttons in front of the girl, implying she's doing this to herself.