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these are the 6 monster girls that will be in the game: alraune (plant), fairy, slime, mimic, shroom and doll. only the alraune and doll sprites are final, the other ones just need some cleaning up, though the slime girl might change a bit.

game over screens will depend on what monster defeats you and your current body modifications (normal, shrunken, breast expanded, cursed, etc). estimated around 30 different game over screens which I'll likely regret after drawing the first 5.

the game will also have a little gallery where you can see the game over screens you've unlocked and probably purchase ones you don't feel like unlocking in case it gets too tedious.

I want to release a more complete demo early October and finish the game (at least the programming part) by late October. drawing the game over screens will be what will take a while to finish...

you can check out the older demo here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeon-game-88293717

of course, feedback is always greatly appreciated and thanks for all the support!

I want to get this finished to start working more on Shrink Poker 2. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧



