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I'd like to thank everyone for the tremendous amount of support and making it possible for me to draw the funny shrinking ladies. I really appreciate each and every interaction, even if it's just something as small such as looking for a brief second at a sketch of mine. thank you for all!

now for the upcoming content, I will be trying to wrap up Mini Cafe next week, finishing on page 24. still unsure of how exactly, but it was mostly meant to be something on the bit more wholesome side, not really going full sexual.

however I will be making a couple of more lewd illustrations featuring the characters of Mini Cafe during the request week (July 24 - 29) . so you can look forward to that.

the next thing I want to mention is that I've been kinda working on a little game on the side, which you can check out the rough idea of it in the video on this post. still unsure what I want to do exactly with it, but it will be something very, very simple. not sure if I'm going to completely focus on shrinking or a bunch of transformations in general (petrification, slime tf, etc). I am confident I have enough of the project's programming ready to at least start talking about it.

the last thing I want to talk about is the next comic. as I've mentioned before, I will be returning to 3 smaller pages per week, instead of the 2 large pages per week, because I simply can't keep up with that rhythm. the next comic will very likely be something with Fairies, similar to the one I tried to do a while ago, but I have more of an idea of what I want to do with that now. it'll be way more playful and sexual than Mini Cafe, and more size variations.

that should be everything I want to mention. if you have any questions, comments, ideas or critiques, feel free to share them. appreciate all of the support, stay safe and take care!


dungeon wip



Is the girl on the side going to change when she gets inflicted?


It might be too much to use to wrap up, but what if the maid cafe "punchline" was that she didn't turn all the way back to normal after her shift? Like the horns and tail go away, but she's left trying to fit her cowgirl sized hips/breasts into the clothes she came to work with. Maybe imply some height loss as well?


I've finished the sketches for the remaining pages, but this would be interesting for a pinup illustration. thanks for the suggestion!