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Complicated shit happened with the cousins on my father's side because of their jealousy and greed, so I had to disappear to here for a while. Most of them are in jail now and the rest I can handle. Am safe now.

Having no electricity/running water has really made me appreciate the shit I have back here. And the internet! Holy shit! So much stuff has happened, it's incredible to not have a way to know about the outside world.

I learned many things staying in that hellhole in the middle of pretty much nowhere. I feel so much fit and had to forcibly get some new habits... really a life changing experience.

Anyways, I've been back for about 2 days now and have started working on commissions I've owed, as well as some sketches of other ideas. But the stuff for you guys is a top priority, expect many updates. I'm thinking of having a daily update, even if nothing is completed, at least I'll share skectches and updates.

I'm also going to see if there's a way to turn off receiving Patreon money for a month or two (until I'm back up to date) or at least changing to no/different rewards for the moment.

If there are any questions, you can ask them through here or by message.

I'm sorry for this huge inconvenience and I'll try my best to make everything right. Thank you for all of your support, you guys are awesome! <3




damn man can understand how you feel just hope everything is ok


: S Glad you are fine Chavez. However don't overwork yourself now.


Thanks. Don't worry about me overworking, I learned a lot of things while spending time there. More motivated than ever to work on stuff. ; )