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as I mentioned in the post yesterday, I want to try to do more actual comic size images for series. since this requires a bit more work, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with the 3 images a week, though I'm confident I can do 2 full page size images a week instead.

this is an example of how I'd like to do these new pages. they would mostly stay black and white (not this blue-ish tone), but I'd like to add some color to the images when I feel necessary to make certain characters or effects stand out. of course, some pages would have more panels than just 3 like in this example.

another thing I would like to know is if people would prefer for me to post images as soon as their ready or to upload a batch of 4 - 5 pages every 2 weeks or so. if I do switch it up to posting a batch every couple of weeks, the early access time will increase from the current single week to 2 weeks or even a month.

I will make polls during the next weeks to get a better idea of what people would prefer. but for now, it's just a couple of ideas I've had in mind for future content.

please let me know any questions, feedback, suggestions, etc you may have.




Whatever works for you that will give your creative side an exercise, by all means go for it.


These look spectacular, but I do wonder if there are any plans for the games you were working on? Was looking forward to the cosplay game or shrink poker 2!


I'm open to this change. If this helps you from a creative aspect, then by all means go ahead.


I think this is better than single pannel every day.


yea, with the current format, sometimes I feel I can't take advantage of like tall panels. hopefully this helps.


I say go for it Ink. I like the shorter, one-offs that you do, but I love your sequences and comics. As far as scheduling goes I'm fine with either. If you go with bi-weekly, I suggest posting some sort of news, status, plan, or preview on the off weeks just to keep engagement up.


I'll try to work in a way to make games too, I'm working on a game (not fetish related) and learning a lot from it. hopefully after finish it, I'll feel more comfortable making games.


what I mean more is that it'll be 2 sizes like this instead of 3 half sizes like I usually do, per week. but this will start with the next series.


yea, thanks! the thing is I don't really plan ahead and I just kinda wing it when it comes to series, so there isn't really a plan of what will happen. but I will keep people up to date if it takes me longer than expected to finish a page. for now, I'm just doing these single pages to kinda test how long it might take me.


I'd say when they're done over batches


I'm excited for that. I love your work and it looks really stand out here. Less disposeable.


Batches. Waiting a bit longer = more fun at one! = ) If after some time you notice it doesn't work/feel right you can always switch back.


alright, that kinda seems to be what people have commented they prefer. I thought it might've been a bit too spammy.


well most people have commented that they prefer singles as soon as they're ready. but I am thinking of posting like a recap with all the images at the end of the month.

Zeph Aran

I would say when done personally? Your work popping up in my inbox is always a day-lightener, I like having more frequent lil notifications like that personally

David Zysk

I would like this expanded into a full comic the power dynamic and revenge fantasy is a big turn on


maybe, but I'd have to plan it out a bit more. this was just an idea passing by.