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This week I'll be working on 5 selected requests from all supporter sites (Fanbox, Patreon, Subscribestar, OnlyFans).

Unfortunately, due to some restrictions on Patreon's part, I will not be able to do Age Regression on requests, anything else seems fine. Blame Patreon and their payment processors for being unable to distinguish between fiction and reality.


  • Character(s) and references (OCs are okay)
  • Expressions of character(s)
  • Description of scenario/setting
  • Clothing amount on character (fully clothed, clothes torn, oversized clothes, fully nude, etc)

You can submit your request on this post as a comment or send it through a private message.

This isn't a race, take your time to write your idea down, please. You only need to submit your request once and I'll add it to the pool for the rest of the week. One illustration per day up to a total of 5 images. Good luck! : )


Past requests can be found here:  https://www.patreon.com/inksGirls/posts?tag=request&filters[tag]=request




I would like to request the characters from princess connect redive. Yuni in some sort of research project has accidentally shrunk the other members of the friendship club, but Yuni is not unhappy with the results. Yuni has shrunken Chieru and Chloe to about 3 inches tall. They both shrunk with their clothes. Chieru is excited and cheerful about the situation, while Chloe is deadpan/not really into it (see reference image). Yuni is peering over them with a magnifying glass looking at them. She has a serious face with some scientific interest in what caused the shrinking, but also a bit of joy that she is the bigger one for once (see image reference for expression). Images: https://imgur.com/a/I4Dpr74


Well I'm gonna try my luck with the same idea again. A busty mage girl was eaten by a Piranha Pest from Yoshi's story(https://www.mariowiki.com/Piranha_Pest). The Piranha Pest has spit her out with her clothes staying normally sized while she's shrunken down to around 5inches. She desperately trying to pick up her staff to use a restoration spell to turn her back to normal while the pest is coming closer to her to eat her again.


How about my Pixie character Nel Looming over a shrunken Iffy with a playful smirk look on her face, while the shrunken gal standing in her panties looking up in a mix of embarrassment, horror and slight lust. Nel: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342482162299174912/342482912639188996/Nel_Ref.png Iffy: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342482162299174912/930312988748038225/Iffy_Ref_V3.png

Simpsons Reference

Ranni The Witch from Elden Ring in her miniature form about to be used as an onahole. She's sitting atop the main character's dick with her four hands on the head holding her in place blushing nervously at what is about to happen and saying "maybe I'll make an exception for you, dear tarnished" She is naked aside from her trademark hat. Ranni's main body has ropes for joints but you never see her miniature form in much detail so your choice if you want to have that or not. Ranni-https://external-preview.redd.it/NmGL-WMYzFdYfCMKVf2WNLFnwxqJgTDqU9_xOW1jnTs.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f72184c57e94e09f49ed7962661fce84ccc95ed3 Miniature Ranni item icon-https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/miniature_ranni_elden_ring_wiki_guide_200px.png


Ran from Touhou stuck in the middle of one of Yukari's gaps. (also from Touhou) On one side she can't fit her tails through and on the other her breasts are too big to fit through. Fully clothed with an embarrassed expression. Ran: https://gamepress.gg/lostword/sites/lostword/files/2021-05/101301_Ran_Yakumo_FX.png Yukari: https://gamepress.gg/lostword/sites/lostword/files/2021-06/100901_Yukari_Yakumo_FX_0.png


How about Magane Chikujoin(https://recreators.fandom.com/wiki/Magane_Chikujoin) from Re:Creators playing with herself while shrunken in a pool of her clothes, with her breasts expanded. With this being a result of using her Infinite Deception of Words ability and testing it’s effects on her body, only to inadvertently be turned into a “horny doll with big tits” in accordance to the lie she wanted to manifest.

Mae Adeline

A pov image of a hand holding a shrunken girl about 18 in tall. She has large breasts and wavy blonde hair. Shes being held next to an erect cock thats 12 inches tsll and looking concerned. Intended to be futa with shrunken girl


May from Pokemon ORAS shrinking down to 3 feet tall due to her trying to spray herself with a heal potion. Her expression shows discomfort and arousal at the same time. Her eyes closed with her mouth open moaning with a deep blush. She is sitting on the ground. She is shrinking out of her top and it falls off revealing her breasts. Her hands attempting to hold it up but failing to do so. Her socks also barely hang onto her. Beside her is the emptied potion bottle. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTmj9W-Z-qELO5Ow4QVkWjSgrdRseZTvLgyNg&usqp=CAU


yumi from senran kagura, getting out of the pool but out of nowhere 3 random girls come to spray her with hoses causing her to start shrinking to 3-4 feet tall and her swimwear is oversized while she has an expression of slight disgust or pity , https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kagura/images/2/2f/Yumi_Swim_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170730202633 https://senrankagura.fandom.com/wiki/Yumi


A woman tanning herself on a desk next to a Barbie, laying on a mouse pad like a yoga mat, under a heat lamp. It's raining outside, but the nearby computer monitor shows a sunny beach. She has a small smile as she enjoys herself, nibbling on a single piece of popcorn she has been taking bites out of that she keeps at hand. An open bottle of sunscreen lays nearby with a little spilled onto the desk.


Bellnoa from Overdrive Girls 1/6 shrunken down to about 1/20th size (I don’t know what the size would be for them but like 3in for a normal person) and pleasuring herself on one of an unaware Nona’s antennas https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overdrivegirl/images/3/31/Belenore.png/revision/latest?cb=20190910091435 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overdrivegirl/images/3/38/Nona.png/revision/latest?cb=20190910090742


cute stoner girl sitting on the couch, smoking a special blunt that causes shrinking. her face is displaying pure euphoria and contentment. she’s wearing a grossly oversized hoody with her nipples peaking out and her panties on the floor. she’s wearing a pair of weed socks that are a few sizes too big with her slippers on the floor below her.