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On Sunday we have no electricity because some stupid shit with the power cables, the elec company didn't really give a shit because it was Sunday. I live in the desert, it gets very hot, specially with no AC.

That night I couldn't sleep well and blamed mostly on the heat, but I kept getting like rolling fevers and body felt sore/aching. I couldn't really move all day Monday. Elec was restored at like 2pm. I blamed the heat for feeling like shit. Kept drinking water and only ate half a bowl of soup.

Tuesday I felt the same but slightly better, still feeling dreary and experiencing rolling fevers. Only ate 2 pieces of toast.

Today is Wednesday, I feel better than the past couple of days, though still weak af. My throat is the major problem, sometimes unbearable to swallow food, but I am trying to eat more and a steady pace.

Have a slight headache because of the sore throat. Also fucking tinnitus does not help with all of this.

I hope to get better by the weekend.