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Alright, first off, I've super sorry for the half-year absence on the net. I'm back and was able to get my brother's tablet over the weekend, so I can start drawing again.

I'm going to be messaging everyone I owe stuff to (using Patreon's Patron Manager), but if you'd like to send me a message with stuff I owe you (xx amount of drawings), that would also help me out. Don't be shy about it, "Hey, I supported you for 3 months at 'Duo Tier', I want my 3 drawing-sequence of two ladies having lesbian sex on top of a cupcake!"


So, what the hell happened to me? Lots of shit I'm about to explain.

For about past two years I've been living on my deceased grandmother's house, because my dad and uncles said I was the most responsible grandchild, fearing that if any of my other cousins got their hands on the house, they'd wreck it.

No problem, until earlier this year when I get a letter, from the government stating that this property hasn't payed the property tax (PREDIAL, in Mexico) since 2004. The property is worth a lot, and thus, the annual tax is somewhat high. So, adding that it's expensive, it hasn't been payed for in the past decade and the 'no payment' fees... that's a shit ton of money... that the corrupt Mexican government wants.

I've been working endlessly to pay off that debt (any luck and it'll payed off by the end of this year)... then my tablet died and I didn't have the cash to afford one, because the government won't get off my dick. So I couldn't work on stuff and then it just started piling on... I did work on some commissions when I visited my parents, borrowing my brother's tablet, but it's kinda hard to work on the type of stuff I draw around my family... yeah... I'll be uploading things I have in a bit.

Didn't want to show up empty handed. Entered a contest, didn't get any prizes, but my brother did, got a tablet and gave me his old one. So, now I can draw again... in the little time I have. Sucks, I have so many ideas floating in my head with the release of popular content, Overwatch, Pokemon GO... so many things just waiting to be transformed into freaky, /d/ fetishes.

Anyways, yeah. I'm back, I'll be working on stuff I owe and, LET'S DO THIS!!! : D

Shout-outs to a very special lady-friend that I don't think will ever read this, but she's helped me so much. She'll never know how much of an impact she's had in my life and I truly admire her for everything she does. Thanks, lady. <3



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