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Post idea for an extreme sport called "extreme shrinking".

I will draw at least one of them later today.




Contestants must jump through a Cheerio while shrinking during the jump to land in a bowl of milk.


A group of microphiles are given one shrink ray and the last one to resist using it on themselves wins


A game of dodge ball where if you get hit instead of being out you just shrink a little. If you catch the ball you regain a little height. The game goes until one side can't play any because they are too small.


Tennis but every time you hit the ball you get smaller


sperm surfing!


Hole in the Wall. There is a Gap in a wall. Contestants are shrinking. They have to Run at the wall and time their jumps so they go through the gap. Jump too soon, you'll be too big to fit. Jump too late and you'll be too shrunk to reach the hole.


Shrink ray Russian roulette. Contestants use a programmed shrink ray to only work at a random number of times the trigger is pulled. Winner is the last one normal height

Kevin Gill

Go-cart races, racers must use the "shrink" button to get under some obstacles and other drivers. Winner gets restored.....and the losers in her trophy 🏆


A paintball/laser tag esque game where two teams shoot at each other with shrink ray guns. Winners are decided after one team has shrunk and captured all members of the other team. Any members of the winning team that were shrunk will be restored to their normal height but the losers will remain small and be kept as pets.


High dive into shrinking potion, with the relative distance increasing the smaller they get.


A wrestling match with multiple rounds were the loser of each round shrinks


Swimming through a shrinking potion race.


Ring fit Areochute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDeKj3sLnIs&ab_channel=AP89, and swap the coins for rings that you fall through, which shrink you 1%, and there's 99 rings. Most rings passed through wins.

Jesse Bona

Perhaps a bit simplistic but it's a bunch of adrenaline junkies competing to shrink the smallest and climb parts of other humans for social media brownie points.

Kada Usagi

A sprinting event where you have to get to the finish line before you shrink out of sight!


A hexagonal arena with shallow pool of shrinking solution surrounding it. The arena is about the size of ping pong table But as the game progresses it becomes the relative size of a tennis court, then a football stadium. it’s covered in tiny obstacles that start as tripping hazards and later become serious obstacles. Wipeout or Fallguys would be the rough inspiration, E.G. a balance beam over a pool of shrinking solution; A swinging rope; a tunnel to crawl through. These are also good places to hide from a bigger player. https://i.imgur.com/hSrEUgg.png The game starts with four girls on two teams (Red and blue) arranged like foursquare. Their uniforms should be something fun to shrink out of but useful to tiny girls (String bikinis could later be used as ropes) But it’s alright if you would rather make them look more sportsman like (Shorts and tank tops). They should have bodypaint to distinguish them after clothing becomes useless. At first it’s mostly wrestling or Sumo. Get another player’s foot into the liquid and they start to shrink. As players get smaller they have more places to hide, and reaching them could expose you to shrinking solution. The Arena becomes relatively larger. And bugger players can work with smaller ones to flush out stragglers. The ultimate goal is to shrink your opponent to nothing by picking them up and tossing them into the surrounding pool. There should be a timer to prevent waiting it out. The floor is slippery so it’s easy to trip and fall when you’re full size (To prevent early leads from dominating). Actually sowing all this in one image is pretty rough. You would need four girls at various sizes (Later in the game, and from an upward angle so you have to draw less obstacles). Put the perspective towards the second smallest player, with another reaching down as they cross a balance beam and a yet smaller figure falling off the same beam. There should be a larger looming player, tripping over and splashing the liquid everywhere. https://i.imgur.com/Mw79fzj.png


I like the notion of climbing people. And you definitely got the extreme part down.


The only game where first place gets the smallest trophy.


I'd play this for non-fetisistic reasons. It's got good balance, the larger players are bigger targets, which is a great catchup mechanic.


Shrinking Greed. 3+ players. Players shrink themselves. Tallest and shortest person swap the size they chose and remain that size permanently. Only the players that don't shrink too much or too little win. Shrinking Chalices. Players have to drink chalices filled with an unknown liquid. Most shrink, some grow and only one restores your size. Players can only leave after drinking a chalice. Leave a little shorter or greed their way back to their normal height. Only to be stuck so small they couldn't even possibly drink another one... right?


Drain Brawl. Players fight each other with a shrink ray in a bathtub/sink. The water is running with a constant current towards the drain. The only obstacles are some bars of soap. At the start the current won't feel super strong but once they get smaller they won't able to fight it and get pulled down the drain. They can get up on the soap to get out of the current but it'll make them more out in the open and their body more slippery. They win once they drain their opponent.


Shrinking triathlon?


How about a trick room, where a group of players are shrunk in random increments via automated shrink ray, and are tasked in trying to find the switches to unlock the exit. With the wrong inputs or mechanisms causing the person who pulled experiencing more shrinking or uneven shrinking (ie: breast expansion)


If I were 3D literate I would make this game. Fall Guys but with shrinking ladies, nice.