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Full Sequence: https://mega.nz/folder/dLAyyALB#3AXSs0FezTCWMvbEhlP-2g 


Just a little health update. Despite feeling better, I have to still take breaks while working on this because there are times I still can't do much. This drawing took me 2 days to finish instead of just a couple of hours, like it usually does.

So for the time, I'll only be doing 3 illustrations this week and if I'm still not feeling 100%, I'll take it easy until I do.

I'll make this up by working on a side project, like programming since I don't think that'll tire me out as quickly as drawing. But I'll keep you updated and if you have any questions, please let me know. : )




Dont feel the need to push yourself just to make artwork if you're not feeling up to it. Please take time to rest and recover we all understand :)

Simpsons Reference

Please dont overwork yourself. I'm not going anywhere nor will I stop supporting you any time soon and I dont speak for everyone but I'm very confident that the vast majority of your supporters feel the same way


Thanks! I'm doing my best to take it easy, but sometimes I can't stay still. : P


Thanks, mate! I really appreciate it! Though I still have a responsibility and it's kinda hard to just stay still, that's why I'm taking it easy and seeing if I can work on other stuff in the meantime.


If you need to, take a week off. Rest and get better, your health is most important.


Take all the time you need, don't worry about us


Please rest as much as you need. We aren't going anywhere


As I said last time, your health is most important than everything else. I really likes your work, but if you need to suffer to make it, then I don't want you to do it. Please rest a bit Ink...


Take care of yourself and get all the rest u need. Don't even worry about "making it up". Just rest when u need to and get back to a normal schedule when your comfortable to do so. Don't need to overwork yourself out of obligation to make up time even when u do feel better


Yeah, I think that's what I'm going to have to do... I just kinda feel useless not being able to do stuff.


Not really suffering, but exhausting for some reason. I'll take a break this week and hopefully I'll be at 100% next week!


It's okay, I just feel useless not being able to do anything and feel that it's kinda unfair. But I understand that if I don't rest and get better it will drag on. I'm thankful for your comment! : )