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First .exe, should run on Windows. Just extract the .zip and run the .exe. If there's any problem, please let me know.

At the moment, the Poker system fully works. Also, after "Shrink", the button says "Next", then "Next" again, that's not a bug, it's a feature. ; )

I still have to implement different poses/expressions. At the moment, the game only has that one pose.

Suggestions are always welcomed, just keep in mind that I have to draw everything and that takes time.




so far, it seems to be going good, can't wait to see the final product~


I can probably export it for Mac & Linux, but I have no way of testing them before uploading. I'll try to upload those versions as soon as I can.

David Zysk

Feel free to use visual assets from your old art, it's really good so far, but I'd like to see her shrink lol


Looking good! As a point of interface feedback, I think it's generally preferable for the user to select which cards they want to KEEP, not which they want to discard (current implementation). Generally the player will only want to keep 1 or 2 cards from their starting hand (high card or a pair), so needing to click only those two (instead of the other 3 or 4) saves a lot of clicks in the long run. Would also be really cool to have the player able to set their starting height in cm or feet+inches and have that visibly change as they shrink, rather than just seeing the raw percentage of their current height. Immersive details!


I'm not sure about changing the way Discard works, it feels more natural to select the discards. Also, a click or two of a difference isn't that big of deal. I'd understand it if there were like 8 or more cards. I'm also thinking of changing the height to cm instead of a percentage and maybe also keep the percentage below the cm. I plan on having the player input height and name, as well as picking gender at like a "character select" screen, though at the moment I'm focusing on the core game. Thanks for the feedback!


It's your game, but I do strongly recommend you rework the discard accordingly. I've worked in design on a Yahtzee game and done benchmarking for this mechanic and most games out there that have a "Roll X, keep Y" mechanic specifically use the method I mentioned. I did a quick set of rounds just now to compare the click count on a sample game, and over 11 rounds it came out to 35 clicks (your method) vs 20 clicks, or 35 vs 15 if you remove the outlier round where I got dealt a straight and would've had to click all 5 cards. This was a lopsided victory (10 vs 80 final state) so if it had gone more rounds the gap would've been even wider. Maybe I'm the only one who feels strongly about the design portion for this, but I encourage you to reconsider in the interest of action economy, lol


Already, so I've been thinking more about this. I think I have a way to implement this. I'll try to mess around with it the idea later. Thanks again!


No problem! I look forward to seeing how far you can take this idea. Shrink poker (and betting with size in general) has always been a fun concept and this has some great potential. :D